#55 You're One Of The Boys Sisters, And One Of The Other Boys Has A Crush On You

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Luke: "Give me back my phone, Luke!" you laugh, chasing him around his and Ashton's flat. You'd gotten off your flight to visit your brother, Ashton, and had come back to his flat. He was running late, so you'd been welcomed by a very happy Luke. You'd both really hit it off. You took a picture of Luke making a funny face on your phone and threatened to tweet it, but he'd taken your phone "Ha! I'd like to see you try!" Luke laughs, running around the apartment. You run and jump on top of him, pinning him to the couch. "Did I mention? I have a black belt," you say, sitting on top of him and taking back your phone. Suddenly, your brother walks in. "Um...am I interrupting something?" Ash asks, slightly alarmed at his sister sitting on top of his best friend. You hop off of Luke and run over and give your brother a hug. "Hi Ashy!" you say brightly. "I was just kicking Luke's ass." You shoot Luke a grin and he smiles back. Ashton can tell by Luke's face that Luke's absolutely crushing on you. Hard. "Oh, I have to call mom and tell her I got here okay! I'll be right back, kay?" You tell him, taking your cell phone and stepping outside. "Go ahead," Ashton tells Luke with a smile and a sigh. "Go ahead with what?" Luke asks innocently. "Look, I'm not happy about my sister dating a guy, but I must say it'd be pretty cool having you as a brother in law someday. Plus if you fuck with her, I know where you live," Ashton says with a smile, patting Luke shoulder. Luke's face brightens. "Really?" Ashton nods and grabs an apple off the bowl on the counter, taking a bite. "Really."

Calum: "Are you serious? You think (Y/N) is hot?" Luke asks Calum, looking at Calum's laptop. His screen is opened up to your twitter page, he found you after you'd tweeted him asking for a follow. "Who's hot?" Michael walks in, eating popcorn and looks at the screen. His face turns pale when he sees Calum was talking about you. His sister. Luke looks from Michael to Calum to your twitter page on the screen and bites back a laugh. "Cal, isn't it funny how Michael's sister has the same name as that girl?" Luke says, a hint of sarcasm. "Yeah...wait. Wait..." Calum suddenly gets it. "Um." Michael crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "This is awkward," Luke sings, leaving the room. "Look, man...I'd kind of like to get to know her. She’s stunning and I been reading her tweets...she seems like a really nice girl..." Cal bites his lip and looks from Michael to the screen. "She's my sister, Cal. She's not some eye candy for you to have for the week," Michael replies. Calum sighs. "I know, man" Michael considers this for a second and tosses a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "Whatever. Just...be good to her, okay?" Calum nods with a smile and types out a DM to you. 

Michael: "Truth or dare," Ash asked Michael with a yawn. Michael, Ash and the boys had all decided to stay up the whole night and they'd all begun playing truth or dare to attempt at some fun. "Truth," Michael says, chewing on some food. "Hmm....Do you think Calum's sister is hot?" Ash asks, earning a slap on the arm from Cal. Michael's face turns redder than usual. "Um," he says, chewing his food longer than he should be. "Michael! You little fucker! You have a crush on (Y/N)!" Ash cheers, patting Michael's shoulder. Cal raises an eyebrow at Michael. "Finally!" Luke says with a laugh. Michael's cheeks turn redder and redder. "Fine. She's really hot, okay? Don't kill me, Calum," Michael says. "I kind of have a crush on her, yeah....we've been texting'..." Calum looks surprised but shrugs. "You're not mad?" Michael asks. "Nah, who she dates and stuff isn't my business. But I'm glad that it's you, instead of that bastard of an ex-boyfriend..." Michael's face brightens. "So I can ask her out?" Michael asks happily. Calum nods and the boys whoop and whistle. "Do it! Do it!" they chanted, with the exception of Calum. Michael shakes his head. "Not right now. Later. Alone." 

Ashton: "Luke? Can I ask you something?" Ashton taps on the door to Luke's room and Luke looks up from his phone. "Yeah! Sure, bro," Luke moves over on his bed and pats for Ashton to sit down. "What's up?" he asks. Ashton looks at his hands nervously. "Um..." Ash runs his fingers through his hair. "Well, you know your sister, (Y/N)? Well, of course you do. She's your sister..." Ash rambles. "Go on. What about her?" Luke asks, raising an eyebrow. "Well, um… when she came to visit you on tour....we kind of hit it off...." Ashton looks out the window, not meeting Luke's gaze. "Um...and I was just wondering if maybe it would be okay if I asked her out? I mean, I know she's your sister, but I promise I-" Luke looks at Ashton and smiles, cutting him off. "Look, any other guy I'd say to fuck off...but you're a good guy, Ash. I know you'll treat her right..." Luke sighs and nods. "Go ahead...just know if you break her heart, I will break your face, even though you are my best friend and my band member. Got it?" Ashton's face lights up and he nods happily. "Got it." 

 **Here is another one! The next one will be up either tomorrow or the day after probably. Going to the Jingle Bell Ball tonight! Seeing 5SOS, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Jessie J, Sam Smith, Rixton, Sigma and Fuse ODG! :D Seriously can't wait! Anyways. Hope you like this one! And thank you for all the reads and votes so far! I am not far 700K reads and 5K votes! That's INSANE!!! Love you all!!!!**

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