#15 You Tell Him You're Pregnant *Part 2 for Luke & Ashton* (Pregnant Series)

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Because many people asked for it, here is the part 2 for Luke and Ashton! Hope you like it!

Luke: After Luke walked out and left you in the bathroom to cry and cry, you finally pulled out your phone and dialled Michael's number and put the phone to your ear, waiting for his to pick up. Out of Calum, Michael and Ashton, you were closer with Michael and have been from the start. He was always looking after you and Luke had upset you in anyway, he would go and have a go at him for being a dick basically and he was basically like a brother to you now. When he picked up, you were still sobbing and he instantly asked what's wrong. All you manage was a small "Luke." He said that he would be there soon and then hung up. You decided to stand up and walk into your bedroom with the tests clutched tightly to your chest. Michael soon walked into your apartment because he had a spare key and so did Luke. Michael walked into your room and saw the state you were in and rushed over and bought you into a hug. You told him what happened, stopping very once in a while because of the tears that were still rushing down. "Listen (Y/N), he is just in shock. You don't how many times he has told me and the boys that he loves you and he has said that he wants to have a family with you. He's in shock because he wasn't expecting it this soon. Just give him some time to get his mind straight," Mikey told you while you hugged into his chest. "Do you really think he will come back though?" you asked him, not looking up. "We-" he started to say but got cut off by another voice. The voice you’re in love with. "Of course I would come back, there is no way I am going anywhere and leaving you go through this on your own. I love you (Y/N) and now we can have a family. I know we are young but we will get through this."

Ashton: Once that door was closed, you hadn't seen Ashton for about 3 weeks. You had told your parents that you were pregnant and let’s just say they weren't that supportive and they turned their backs on you. Thankfully, your friend took you in and looked after you and gave you the support you needed. Ashton had tried to contact you but your friend took your phone away from you and whenever he knocked on the door, your friend would go scream in his face. You were grateful for her being protective of you, but you kinda wished you could hear what he had to say. He has tried to talk to at least once a day to try and speak to you but to no avail. One day, you had enough of your friend guarding you so you told her to let him in when he next came round. In the afternoon on the same day, there was a knock on the door and you looked at your friend and told her to let him in, and so she did. The look on his face was shock when you saw him because he wasn't expecting you to let him in. He got used to rejection that this was a surprise to him. He sat on the other chair opposite to you and stayed quite, but finally spoke up. "Listen (Y/N), I am really sorry I said that. I don't know what I was thinking. I think it was just a surprise. I don't know why I made it seem like it was all your fault because I had a role in this as well and to be honest, I did most of work, so it’s my fau-" "Okay, enough details on you two having sex, I don't want to know what happens in that department!" Your friend interrupted him, which cause you and him to laugh at her. "I just wish I could take it back and I am hoping, if you still want me to, I will be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you and I always will." he confessed and you couldn't deny that there was a massive smile on your face. "Ashton, I love you too and I would love for you to be there. You’re this child’s dad and nothing is going to change that. It just hurt me when you said that I should get rid of it," you told him, whilst lowering your head. "Look, we have learnt from experience that most of the time you shouldn't listen to me haven't we? And this is one of them times," he said, whilst lifting your head to look at him and then he gave you a loving kiss. Now you just had to hope he wouldn't want to change his mind.

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