#37 He Asks You To Move In

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Luke: You stared at him with wide eyes as he held out a little box to you. "What's this?" you asked suspiciously as your eyes moved from the box back to his eyes rather quickly. He shrugged his shoulders and motioned for you to take it. "Open it and see," he instructed, shooting you a smile and placing the box in your hand. You shut your eyes opening the box slowly while you peeked like a little kid and he chuckled. You opened your eyes all the way, looking down at a small key. "It's a key, Luke..." you trailed off, lifting it out the box and he nodded. "I know," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to move in with me..." he asked biting down lightly on his lip, worried of your answer. A smile made its way onto your lips and you nodded. "For a minute I thought you were asking to get married," you said giggling. "Don't worry. That's defiantly next," he said smiling.

Michael: "So I made you a key today, babe," he said smiling down at you. "You did?" "Yeah, I figured it'd be easier for you to have one of your own," he said shrugging placing the key on the table in front of you. "Is this your way of asking me to move in Clifford?" you asked smirking at him and he shrugged once more. "Yeah, pretty much. So what'd you say? Are you going to be staying here permanently?" he asked smiling widely at you, hope glistening in his eyes. "Maybe. Are you at least going to help me move my stuff in?" you asked picking up the key in front of you and he nodded eagerly. "Of course I'm going to help. I'll even get the guys to help. I'm really happy you're moving in," he said taking a hold of your hand and squeezing it lightly and pacing a kiss on your lips.

Calum: He watched you fold up your clothes and put it in the drawer that had his in as well. "I can empty a drawer out for you, you know. Instead of sharing one?" he said from his spot lying on the bed and you turned around and nodded at him. "I don't have that much stuff here though Calum," you said shrugging and making your way over to the bed. He raised his eyebrows at you. "Well maybe you can bring more things over... Maybe all of your things?" he said shrugging, placing his hands behind his head. "Just move in already basically," he said smiling over at you, getting straight to the point. "I'm going to need more than one drawer Calum in that case. I might even have to take up your whole closet as well," you said as you placed your head on his chest. "I don't care, as long as you're here I really don't car," he said, placing a kiss on your head.

Ashton: You sat up in the bed getting ready to slide out when he grabbed a hold of your hand. "Ash, I have to get home. I have to work in the morning," you said smiling down at him. "You can go to work from here," he said letting out a yawn and you shook your head. "My work clothes are at home, babe," you said leaning forward to press your lips against his softly smiling against his lips before pulling away. "So bring your work clothes here from now on," he said tiredly and you nodded. "I love you," you said quietly as his eyes began to droop again. "I love you too. So, move in. I sleep better when you're in bed with me," he said his eyes still shut and you stayed silent. "(Y/N) move in with me," he mumbled.

**okay so here is another one! I don't when I shall next post... Apparently there is free wifi at the hotel, so I shall hopefully update sometime... How you like it!!!! Love you my lovely readers! Tomorrow I leave for Orlando, Florida. CAN'T WAIT!!!**

**UPDATED!!! Sorry for any confusion... I was watching something on YouTube and I kept on typing the names without knowing... Sorry again!!**

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