#86 He Needs A Break, But You're Pregnant

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Luke: You were almost eight months pregnant, and had gotten a lot of stuff prepared for the baby. After shopping for clothing you really wanted to show Luke the cute outfits and bibs you bought. "Luke," you called hoping he'd be close enough to hear. You started looking around, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Finally, you decided you should probably just drop off the clothes in the baby room, and show him when he showed up again. That's when you found a note on the rocking chair. It said: (Y/N), I love you, but I can't handle the pressure of this baby. I'm not ready for this responsibility. You can keep the house and I'll keep making the payments. You will be a great mom I know you will. You don't need me. I'm sorry, -Luke. You sat down in the chair feeling like the wind had been knocked out of you. Then you began to cry, knowing you were in this alone from now on.

Michael: You showed Ashton the positive pregnancy test you'd taken a few minutes earlier. He looked at it and didn't say anything which began to worry you. He just sat down and put his hand to his head, looking down. You waited for him to be ready to talk. "We should consider our options," he suggested. "I've already decided, and I'm keeping the baby," you shot it down, before he even mentioned the idea of abortion. "Real nice. You're not even going to consider my feelings about this," he got up angrily. "It's my body. It's my choice," you responded, not seeing the problem. "Great you're already controlling everything. I'm not raising this kid with you if you're going to be like that," he stormed off to get his Jacket. "Then what are you going to do? Ignore the fact that you're a father?" "If it were up to me I wouldn't be a father, so I'm not," he explained his logic. "You choose to be a mom. I'm just not ready for this. I think we should take a break until I am ready." "If you walk out of that door right now it won't matter if you're ready. You are not welcome back." you grabbed his arm trying to stop him. "So controlling, it's quite sad," he observed before shutting the door on you.

Calum: Calum came over thinking you were going to have a night of fun, but soon realized, the reason you wanted to talk to him, was that you only wanted to tell him that you were pregnant with his baby. "We're friends with benefits. We were using protection," he stated, confused. "Yeah, but something must have malfunctioned. Condoms are only 97% affective, and I'm going to have the baby," you announced. "Well it's not my responsibility now, is it," he spoke, slightly annoyed. "We didn't want to make this into a relationship thing, and especially not a family thing. This is all on you. I don't want a kid," he rejected the idea. "So what are you saying I should terminate the pregnancy," you asked, surprised at his coldness. "Up to you, but I'm not sticking around if you are pregnant. That's just weird." You suddenly remembered why you didn't want to make a deeper connection with him. "You know what you're right. You should leave, and I'll call you if I change my mind," you decided before escorting him to the door. Happy to see him go.

Ashton: You were on bed rest at home to try to delay the birth of your twins. Tonight you were extremely cranky and uncomfortable, so out of frustration you had Ashton doing a lot of tasks for you. "Ash," you called for about the fifth time with no answer. Eventually he came into the bedroom looking a little on edge. It might have had to do with the fact that you yelled at him before, because he wasn't doing something right. "What is it?" he said through gritted teeth. "Can you make a bowl of ice cream?" you asked, trying to be less rude. "You know I'm not your slave," he instantly started throwing a fit. "You should be more appreciative. I've been doing everything for you for the past few days, and it's not easy." "Yeah. I would help if I could, but I can't," you put your hands on your belly. "Well I can't do it anymore either," he panicked, "I need a break," he said and left the room and a few seconds later you heard the front door slam. "So, no ice cream tonight I guess," you huffed, flipping on the TV to distract yourself.

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