#11 He Likes You But You Like Another Boy

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Luke: You were round Calum's house with the rest of the boys playing a good game of truth or game and a few dares have already been done and a few truths have been told. It came to Calum's turn and he looked towards Luke and asked him the question of 'Truth or Dare' and Luke calmly answered with a truth and Calum thought for a second and then asked "Is it true you have a crush on (Y/N)?" and at the mention of this you snap your head up and look towards Luke awaiting for an answer. Luke started blushing and the confirmed the answer is yes. You had a pang of guilt hit you in the chest and you began fidgeted a bit, feeling awkward. The thing was, you found it cute that he liked you but you liked Michael.

Calum: You were in your bedroom pacing about like you would do when you tend to get worried and you were deep in thought about something. The thought that was racing through your mind was that you were deciding on whether you liked Luke more than you should and you have done for a while. You just couldn't decide whether or not you should tell him and see what he thinks. In the end you call up your best friend Calum and he picks up instantly as he always does. "Heyy (Y/N)!" his voice chimed through the phone. "Cal, I need your help," you said in a serious tone, so he knows you mean business. "What's wrong?" he asks you and you take a deep breath and say, " I really like Luke but I don't know whether I should tell him or not..." You say to him and you heard him take a sharp intake of air. After a minute or so he finally said "You should tell him," and then the line went dead.

Michael: You were round your best friend Michael's house with his 3 friends, and one of his friends also happens to be your crush. That was Ashton. Ever since Michael first introduced you to him, you have this soft spot for him and that soon developed into a crush and you were falling for him, but of course, he doesn't know that. No one does. You were in the kitchen getting a drink and you heard someone approach you from behind causing you to turn and see who it was and you saw it was Luke. "You like Ashton don't you?" he asked, looking me dead in the eyes. "How did he find out?" "Look, I can see that you do by the way you look at him but I have to tell you something, and I know this won't change your mind, but you need to know," Luke said, his voice nervous and worried. "Michael's in love with you," he said bluntly. You just stood there with my mouth agape.

Ashton: You had been spending the day out with the boys because it was a really nice day and you lot didn't want to just sit there and do nothing. You lot were on your way back to Calum's flat because he said it would be alright to hang out at his place which you were really happy about because you have a massive crush on Calum and you were planning on telling him. Once you got to his flat you took Calum straight to the kitchen with a confused look on his face as to why you did that. "Look, Calum. I need to tell you something..." you started and he looked at you for you to carry on, so you did. "I like you, so much, and I have only just come up with the courage to tell you. So yeah..." you stood there feeling a bit awkward because Calum was just standing there staring at you, no emotion on his face. "I can't," is all he said which confused you so much. "Ashton is in love with you. I can't do this to him." With that he walked out leaving you gobsmacked.

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