#9 He Gets Jealous

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Luke: You were spending the day with the One Direction lads and even though you had only met them a few times, you were quite close with Niall. You were sitting in Luke's lap and you were talking to Niall and you were laughing and smiling at something he had just said. Luke had been trying to get your attention by saying your name but you ignored him because you were listening to Niall and you didn't want to seem rude. All of a sudden you feel lips on your neck, leaving peppered kisses up and down it. He started working his way up towards your jaw line and then to your mouth, kissing your lips. You pulled back and gave Niall an apologetic look and he just shrugged it off, got up and walked away. "Well, someone's jealous..." you said to Luke with a smirk, and all he did was kiss you on the lips, hard.

Calum: You were at an awards evening and you were walking down the red carpet as Calum's date because you were his girlfriend and all. You were looking around and notice some of your favourite celebrities walking around you and it was just so surreal. Calum was being called over by interviewers and fans and you told him to go and talk to them, so he did. You were standing there on your own for a minute until Jaden Smith came up to and started a conversation. You couldn't believe what was happening because you were bit of a fan his and Calum was a massive fan of his dad, and who wouldn't be? You got along quite well with Jaden and he was quite a cool kid. Out of nowhere, you feel an arm wrap around your waist and pull you close. It was Calum and all he did was give Jaden a bit of a cold glare. He then started to pull you away and for the rest of the night he wouldn't let you go. Someone’s jealous.

Michael: You were in the local game shop with Mikey because he wanted to get a new game for his PS3. He had loads already, but Mikey always wanted more. While he was looking around, I went for a bit of a wonder, being a bit of gamer yourself, you couldn't resist. As you were walking around you heard someone say your name and you turned around and it turned out to be your old friend who was a boy from school. You got talking and you saw Mikey lining up for the queue so you decided to say goodbye to your friend and give him a friendly hug. It didn't last long though because you were pulled away by strong arms and saw it was Michael. "Stay away from my girl," he warned your friend and your friend backed up and walked away. Jealousy was evident on his face the whole day after that.

Ashton: You were on your way to the gym, but not to work out, but to go and see your boyfriend just for the sake of it. You walked in and went straight to weights room because that is where you knew he would be and you were right. He was in the middle of lifting some weights so you didn't want to bother him just yet, so you went and sat down on a bench that was near him and you started to watch as he lifted the set of weights each time. You could see his muscles tensing due to heaviness of them and it was a sight you admired, for obvious reasons. You looked around the room and there was another man about the same age as Ashton and he was looking at you whilst lifting his weights, and he was shirtless and you could see him prominent six-pack. Next thing you know, a shirtless Ashton is standing in front of you, blocking your view. "These are the only abs you can stare at," he said and after that, he made sure you were watching him all the time.

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