#8 He Says He Loves You For The First Time

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You were at his house and it was about 10 at night and you were the only two awake. You were down stairs in the living room lying on the couch, you in between his legs and your back leaning on his chest with his hands wrapped around you and his chin rested on your shoulder. You had been dating for about 4 months now and there was no denying that you had fell head over heels in love with the blonde haired boy with the bright piercing blue eyes. However, neither of you had actually said to each other the 3 words that mean everything. You were planning on saying it but every time you go to say it, you would chicken out because you were scared of being the first one to say it and it turns out he doesn't love you back. You started to zone out of the programme you were watching on the TV in front of you. In the end you took hold of one of Luke's hands and started to fiddling with his fingers, thinking about finally bringing the love thing up or not. 

"What's wrong?" he asked in your ear, which caused you to look up at him, your eyes instantly connecting to his gorgeous eyes. However, you looked at him with a confused look as to why he asked that. "You always play with my fingers when you are in deep thought and if something is bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Do you really pay attention that much to notice that?" you asked bewildered at the fact that he noticed something like that, because you didn't even know you did it yourself.

"Of course I noticed. Why wouldn't I?" He told you in a genuine voice so you knew he was telling the truth. "(Y/N), I love you. I notice all the little things you do. You may not thing they are worth knowing, but to me, they are," he confessed and as soon as he said those 3 words you gasped and turned to face him with a shocked expression.

"Do you mean that?" You asked him to see if he just meant in a friendly way or if he meant it in the actual meaning itself.

"Of course. Why would I lie? I have been wanting to say that for a while now and I couldn't think of a time to tell you. Then when I go to, I would always chicken out. I love you, I really do," he confessed, the whole time looking in your eyes, showing that they were filled with truth and love, showing you that he was telling the truth. Before you could say anything, he then leant down and gave you a long, passionate kiss on the lips, both of you smiling the whole way through.

Calum: The boys were doing an interview today at some radio station and Calum invited you along to watch behind the glass because this is one of the rare times you were actually with him lately because of the tour and that, so you two always tried your hardest to be around each other as much as you could. There was no doubt that you had fallen in love this boy, how could you not of? The sweet, kind heart of his, the bright smile, his sparkling eyes. Everything. However, you haven't actually said the 3 words to him yet. You were scarred. You think he loved you too, but he hasn't said it to yet, so you don't know if he does or not.

The interview started and then the interviewer was asking them random questions, ones they picked and ones they got the fans to pick for them. Some of them were funny but then some of them were just plain weird. However, this next question that the interviewer asked caught your attention.

"Calum, how are you and (Y/N)? Is there anything you want to say about her?" he asked, in a tone of voice like he is trying to persuade him to something.

"We are really great actually, and I just want to say that she is honestly the perfect girl I have been looking for and that I love her with all of my heart," Calum said, the whole time, a smile not leaving his face.

The whole rest of the show, you stood there shocked, just staring at Calum because of what he said. He said he loved you! When the show finished, Calum came up to you and gave you a hug and said "I meant it earlier. I do love you." 

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