#45 He Wants A Threesome

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Luke: You stared at him with widened eyes as he shot you a small smile. “So what’d you think?” he asked, draping his arm over your shoulder. “You-you were serious?” you asked with raised brows and he nodded still smiling. “You want to h-have a threesome with Ashton?” you questioned only resulting in him nodding his head once more. “I talked to him about it a few days ago and he’s up for it,” he smiled pulling you closer to him and you shrugged your shoulders a bit glancing over at him. A giggle made it past your lips as you realized he was completely being serious at the moment. “You’re terrible, babe. Why’d you want a threesome with Ashton?” you continued giggling and he shrugged. “He’s cute yeah.”

Calum: “Have you ever wanted to have a threesome?” he asked lying on his hands as his eyes focused on a small spot on the ceiling. You peered over your shoulder at him with furrowed brows. “I’ve thought about it once or twice. Why?” you asked, returning to folding your clothes. “I’ve been thinking about it lately that’s all; I figured we’d try it out,” he shrugged. “Really…well who’d we do it with?” you asked, growing a bit interested in the conversation. “I was thinking maybe one of the guys.” “Which one Cal? I’d say Luke, but I think he’d be too nervous or something,” you said placing down the shirt you had been folding and faced towards him. “Oh he’s not nervous about it, I asked him about it and shockingly he said if you were okay with it, it’d be cool,” Calum said sending a smile your way. “Well alright then,” you said laughing a bit.

Michael: “So baby, remember how you said you always wanted a threesome, well I found someone who’s up for it,” he called out from the shower as you brushed your teeth. “You found someone? Who?” you asked spitting out the remainder of toothpaste in your mouth. “Calum,” he said pulling back the shower curtain and smiling at you. “Calum’s really going to do it?” you asked and he nodded water dripping from his face. “He’s wanted to have one himself, so I thought hell why not ask him to join us,” he said laughing a little as you rolled your eyes a smile on your lips. “So now it’s all up to you. When will all of this be going down princess?” he asked wiping his face. “I don’t know. I never thought it’d actually happen to be honest,” you breathed.

Ashton: “We’ve talked about this before,” he said flopping down on the couch as you headed back into the kitchen. “Michael said he’d do it,” Ashton said, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. You poked your head out from the kitchen, staring at him in amazement as he spoke so calmly about it. “He’s actually coming over this weekend,” he finished causing you to drop the sponge in your hand. “Ash, we just spoke about it. We never really, you know… agreed to anything,” you said, bending over and picking the sponge back up. His eyes casts over to where you stood and he shrugged his shoulders. “You said you wanted to,” his eyes trailed back over to the television. “Yeah…with a girl Ash,” you muttered brushing the back of your hand over your burning cheek. “That’s next I guess then,” he shrugged.

 **HIIIII! Sorry for the long wait! But here you go! Also, I am going to be posting some imagines next because people have asked and I still haven't doneit. I am soooo sorry! Then after I have posted them, I am going to be posting the second part to the last two or whatever because a few of you have asked for it and I am going to give it to you :) Last thing, THANK YOU for reading, commenting and voting! It means a lot to me that you like it! :D Love you all. And if you ever want to message me at any point, do so. I would love to talk to you anytime!**

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