#46 He Catches You Cheating Part 2

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Luke: His POV - *1 year later* I was in LA with the band and we had just finished our show and we were all backstage running and jumping about feeling all hyped up after the show. We kept patting each other on the back and went and had a shower. Once I was done, I changed in to some skinny jeans and my baggy plaid shirt, leaving a few buttons undone. "Luke! I think you should come her for a second!" I heard Michael shout and I walked towards where he was standing and someone was standing in front of him. (Y/N). "(Y/N)?" I asked and she turned to look at me with a shy smile on her face. "Hi Luke," she said as she walked over to me and it wasn't till she was right in front of me that I noticed that she was holding a baby. I looked down and saw that it was a beautiful girl and she had bright, electrifying blue eyes. "Did you want to hold her?" she asked me and I shook my head yes and she gave her to. I looked down at her and she was so beautiful. "Whose is she? And why are you here?" I asked her with a questionable look. I mean, I had moved on from her and that because now I have a beautiful girlfriend back home. "My boyfriend thought it was best for me to tell you now..." she trailed off. Her boyfriend must have been that guy I caught her with. "And... well... she's yours Luke," she told me and I stared at her as if she was joking, but she wasn't. This is really my child? Wow. That would make sense because of the blue eyes. "She's beautiful," I said, gazing at her. "She has your nose," I said whilst releasing a chuckle. "I also wanted to know if you wanted to be a part of the child's life?" she asked me. "Of course!" I said, cheerfully. "I know you have a girlfriend now, and I was just asking because I don't want her to be annoyed or anything," she said to me and I just shrugged. "She'll be fine with it. She loves kids. So she won't mind," I told (Y/N) and she smiled thankfully. "What's her name?" I asked her and she replied with "Cassidy." I'm a father.

Calum: His POV - As I walked away, the tears kept flowing down. I honestly loved her with all my heart and I was going to prove that by asking her to become my wife and be with me forever, but I guess that won't be happening. I can't believe she would do this. Luke had been talking to me, trying to calm be down and say that it will be alright. He doesn't get it. He doesn't know the feeling that the girl you love enough to ask her to marry you, was kissing someone else. It's the worst fucking feeling I have ever felt. "Luke. Stop." I said to him and he looked at me in a way that he didn't know what to do. "I am going to go to ou- the apartment," I told him. I nearly said ours as in mine and (Y/N)'s but it's no longer ours. I might as well let her have it. I won't be able to live in it, remembering all the memories we had with each other. As I entered the apartment I walked into the kitchen and took out the little box that consisted of what I thought would be our future and placed it on the counter. I walked upstairs and went to our shared room. It looked the same. All tidy. She always loved keeping things clean. I got my backpack out and packed a few things, making sure to leave her favourite t-shirt and jumper of mine so she can still wear it. "Calum?" I heard her angelic voice ask, which caused me to whip round and see her standing there. I couldn't look her in the eyes, so I diverted my gaze down to the floor. "Hey," she said as she placed her hands on my cheeks. "I'm sorry Calum. I didn't intentionally do that. It was an in the moment thing I swear. I am so happy you are back. And for my birthday? You didn't have to. I'm sorry Calum." She said and kissed my cheek. "Do you know how much it hurts?" I asked her as more tears flew down my cheeks. "I'm sorry Cal," she whispered. "Were- were you going to propose?" she asked and I felt my cheeks redden. "Ummm..." I said, not knowing what to do or say. "Calum, I love you. I really, really do and I always will do. Please believe me that, that was a mistake, because it was and I will never do it again," she said to me and I saw complete honesty in her eyes and voice. "Well... will you marry me (Y/F/N)?" "You didn't even have to ask," she said and then she kissed me.

Michael: It's been about a week now, and you feel absolutely horrible about everything that went on. However, even though it looked bad, you didn't go as far as you think Michael thought you did. The man that you were sleeping with was a friend from work and you had invited him over just to talk about your work, but he kinda started kissing you, and you kissed him back. You have been calling Michael non-stop for the past week but it would always go straight to voicemail. You also haven't stopped crying ever since it happened. You love Michael and you always have, and now you do one stupid move, and you have basically lost him for god knows how long. You decided to go for a walk, because you hadn't left your house since then either. You had been calling in sick each day, because you just couldn't bear to see your friend and also because you didn't have the strength. As you got to the small park that was nearby and you sat down on one of the little benches scattered around, you through your head back and closed your eyes, but that didn't stop the tears from flowing down your face. Images of Michael's pained and heart-broken face was etched into your brain every time you close your eyes. "(Y/N)?" you heard someone ask and you slowly open your eyes to find Luke standing in front of you with a look of sorrow and anger in his eyes. "How could you do that to Michael?" he asked and that was when you broke into full out sobs. You felt arms being slung around you. "I-I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened. I didn't have sex with him though. I-I stopped it b-before it could go any further. But obviously not soon enough. I'M SO STUPID," you yelled and started to get up, but you felt lips pressing against yours. Those familiar lips. "(Y/N), what you did still hurts even though you didn't go far but I love you and I am hoping I am not making the wrong decision, but I am going to give you another chance," Michael said and you couldn't stop smiling. "I love you Michael." "I love you too."

Ashton: *8 months later* You were walking down the street, walking home from work and just minding your own business. You had a text from your boyfriend that said that he was on his way to yours as well. By the way your boyfriend isn't the one from the club. It was someone you met a few days after that incident and he helped mend your broken heart and cheered you. You instantly became really good friends and about 2 months ago, he asked you to become his girlfriend and you replied with a yes. As you were getting closer and closer to your house, you saw 2 guys standing there. You noticed one was your boyfriend and he was shouting at someone. You quickly hurried over to see what was going on and you saw that face you hadn't seen in 8 months. "Ashton?" you asked, to get him to look at you and when he did you gasped. "What the hell are you doing here?" you asked him in disbelief. "Who's he?" he asked, ignoring your question. "This is my boyfriend," you told him simply and he just stared at you and then at your boyfriend and then back to you. "Oh. I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a bit?" he asked with a pleading look. You shook your head yes and your boyfriend gave you an unsure glance. "It's alright. Go wait inside, I'll be in in a sec," I told him and gave him a reassuring peck on the lips. He sighed but headed in the house anyways. "What do you want Ashton?" "I just wanted to come and apologise for the way I acted and that I-" "Ashton, I have moved on. From that and from you," you interrupted him. "And I can see that. I am not here to ask you take me back (Y/N). I have a girlfriend now and she made me come and make things right with you because she knew how close we were," he said and you instantly felt embarrassed. "Ohhhh. Well I am sorry for what I did to you, but I think it was for the best to be honest and we have both moved on. Friends?" "Best friends?" he asked. "Okay" you answered. When he left you walked back inside and walked straight to your boyfriend and kissed him hard. "Everything alright?" he asked. "Perfect."

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