#23 You Break-Up

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Luke: You and Luke had been dating for about 6 months now and you literally couldn't have been happier about it. You loved him and he loved you and were just happy he was finally yours, after about a year of you two liking each other, he finally came out of his shell and asked you on a date and of course you said yes and now here you are. You had got a text from Luke earlier on in the day saying that he needed to talk to you and you started to have a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, and it got worse the closer it got to the time he was supposed to be coming round yours. Right on time, there was a knock on the door. That's another thing you liked about Luke, it's that he is always on time. Never late and never early. When you answered, you were about to greet him with a hug and a kiss like you normally would do to each other, but he just turned his head and faced away from you. You let him in and you both sat on the couch and you waited for him to talk. "Listen (Y/N), I think we should break up," he finally said and you just stared in shock. "What? Why?" you asked, tears already making their way to spilling down your face. "(Y/N), I swear to you, it isn't your fault, and it's mine. I love you so much but we need to break up," he said as he voice cracked and you couldn't bear to look at him. "Out," you said quietly, looking down at the plain carpet beneath you. "What?" Luke asked, clearly not hearing you. "Get out!" you ended up shouting and he quickly stood up and just stared at you. "I'm sorry," was the last thing he said before he walked out of the house and left you to cry.

Calum: You had been dating Calum for about a year now and there was no doubt you were head over heels in love with boy. However, lately, he has been acting a bit strange and distant. He would disappear for hours and then when he comes back he won't talk to you, he will just go straight upstairs and to the bedroom. You had no clue what was going on but when you went to try and talk to him, he would always either ignore you or tell you to drop it. You couldn't take it anymore, so you decide to push him into telling you today. When he got home, he was about to go straight upstairs, but you stopped him before he could. "Calum? Can I talk to you for a minute?" he looked at you hesitantly but walked towards you. "Where have you been?" you asked him. "Nowhere," he said simply but you could see he was hiding something. You quickly came to the conclusion, that even though you love him, you don't trust him anymore. "Calum," you sighed before you spoke again. "I think we need to break up," you said quickly. He stared at you blankly but what he said next finally broke your heart. "Yeah, I think that might be for the best... I have met someone and I think I like her. I'm sorry." Once he said that, you nodded your head sadly and walked out of the door. Not bothering to get anything from the apartment you shared, or did shared, and not a clue to where you are going.

Michael: It was becoming too much for you. The hate was just getting worse and worse and you had no one to help you through it. Michael was on tour and you lived on your own, away from your family and you didn't have any friends nearby. At first the hate was just on twitter, but soon, it came to the point that you couldn't go out without someone coming up to you and saying rude things to your face. You tweeted one morning saying 'I can't take this anymore' and that caused everyone to tweet you horrible things and some were trying to figure out what it meant. Later on that day, you got a skype call from Michael, you didn't answer it straight away but when you did, you couldn't help but smile at the boy in front of you, but it was hurting you more with what you were about to do. "(Y/N), are you alright? I saw your tweet. What do you mean that you can't do this anymore?" he asked you in a panicked and worried tone of voice. "Mikey, I am so sorry. I can't take it. I can't take all of the hate anymore, it's getting worse by the day and it's tearing me apart and where I have no one here to help me, it's just getting harder. I love you Mikey, I really do, but we need to break up. I'm sorry," you said and quickly hung up, and closed down your laptop and started crying.

Ashton: You were coming back from a trip from visiting the family and you couldn't wait to get back to your boyfriend. You came back a few days early though because you wanted to surprise him, so you got Michael to come pick you up and he was more than happy to. When you landed and found him, he gave you hug and helped you with your luggage and put it in the car. All throughout the car ride, you were getting more and more excited to see him the closer you got. When Michael dropped you off, he helped with your bags again and brought them inside. You told Michael to wait down here just for a minute while you went upstairs and towards your shared bedroom. As soon as you opened the door, you regretted. There was Ashton laying the bed with another girl in his arms. You quickly shut the door and walked downstairs. When Michael saw that you were about to cry, he quickly asked you what was wrong. You quickly went to the kitchen and got a piece of paper and wrote a quick letter to Ashton, basically saying that you two were over and that. You put it on the counter so he could see it and walked back out to Michael who had already put your bags back in the kitchen. "I'm sorry," he said whilst you walked out of the house for probably the last time.

**Hope you like it! Request for a part 2 if you want it. It's up to you. Just going to say, THANK YOU FOR 13K READS AND NEARLY 350 VOTES! It honestly means a lot to me :) Love you my lovely readers!**

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