Michael Imagine - Break Up

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**Sorry if it's short**

Lately, yours and Michael’s relationship has been a bit unsteady and you have been arguing and disagreeing a lot and you don’t know what to do.

He’s been really quiet and really angry lately which is pissing you off more and more each day. You had no idea what had set him off though. At first you thought maybe it had been you, but you pushed that suggestion to the side since he hadn’t actually broken up with you or anything. 

Michael’s mother had noticed he’d try and keep himself busy with his band work out, talking more to fans, he’d even help his mum cook dinner every night. She told you that every relationship has its awkward stages and the pair of you were just coming out of the ‘honey moon’ phase. 

Today Luke had invited you to their band practice at his house after learning that Michael was meant to have invited you but clearly he didn’t.

You’d all been there for a few hours the only time Michael had spoken to you was when he first got there asking why you were there and if you wanted a drink. Now he was just sat next to you on his phone and you were getting really worried about him.

"Are you alright?" You asked him quietly hoping he wouldn’t get mad because you had asked. 

He looked up at you and pulled a face as if to say ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about’, “Fine.” He nodded giving you a small smile.

He went back to scrolling through his Twitter timeline and you chewed on your lip debating whether to ask again. The situation wasn’t going to get any better if you let this continue. The only thing that you could do was speak to him.

You left out a soft sigh “Are you sure because you look kinda pissed and I-“

"I said I’m fine didn’t I." He shouted back at you.

You sat there, frozen. Calum had stopped playing the guitar and all 3 lads were staring at you and Michael.

Michael exhaled slowly and ran a hand threw his hair. “I- er, can I speak to you outside, Y/N.”

You just nodded and walked out the front with him hot on your tail. As soon as he closed the door behind you, you let him have it.

"Right that’s it I’ve had enough, Michael." I snapped. "I can’t stand this constant silence, the constant tension. Everyone’s noticed it."

"Then why don’t you just chill out a bit, Y/N fucking hell." He huffed.

"I need to chill out? Why because I’m not being as moody as you are?" You argued raising your voice.

He looked off into the car park poking this tongue out to lick his bright pink lips. You just stood there… Waiting. Waiting for him to say something but he didn’t.

"Absolute, Dickhead." You muttered shaking your head.

You couldn’t help but let out a short angry laugh as you pushed past him to go back inside. Maybe if you were lucky Michael wouldn’t try and talk to you as you apologized to the guys for your leaving then grab your things and go. But you were wrong.

Michael stepped in front of you not letting you past. His eyes were watery but by the way he held his broad shoulders, he wouldn’t dare cry in front of you.

"Sometimes you just don’t know when to quit it, Y/N. You like to make other people feel like shit all the time." He was shouting so loudly. He’d never shouted at you like that before.

"What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything." 

You let your mind wonder back for barely a second trying to recall anything you had done before all this ‘Angry Michael’ thing started but you came up with nothing. 

"I don’t even know anymore, Y/N. I can’t think straight with you around, I just really don’t want you around right now." He shook his head and shrugged.

The words just seemed to flow out of his mouth like he didn’t care about hurting your feelings. Pain and rejection just seemed to fill your whole entire body. Replaying his words in your head they didn’t seem all that nasty but they hurt, they really, really hurt you.

Your mouth dropped a little and you stared at your shoes. “You’re a real fucking asshole, Michael.”

"Oh…" He said rather sarcastically. "Is that all?" He asked as if he didn’t have a care in the whole world.

His arms folded across his chest and he held onto his biceps trying his best to hold himself strong. You bit down on the inside of your mouth mulling over the outrageous idea growing in your head. Then the words left your mouth. 

"We’re so done, Michael." 

He let out a choked breath and exhaled quickly to regain himself.

"I think it’s best if you just go." 

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