Luke Imagine - You Think Your Too Young

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This is a requested imagine by midnightfeckery! Enjoy!

You were spending the day with your amazing boyfriend which just so happens to be Luke Robert Hemmings. That's right, the lead singer from 5 Seconds of Summer. But that's not why you love him. There are many reasons as to why you love him. He's caring. He's wonderful. A great friend, He's always there for me when I need him to be. We love all the same things. His eyes and dimples are just to die for. He is a big mamma's boy which is so adorable. His voice is also like an angel. You just love him in all. 

However, he is leaving in 2 days to go back on tour. At the moment he was back home in Sydney, spending time with you and his family. He hasn't really left your side since he got back. But, thinking of him leaving again was making you sad and depressed because you weren't going to him for another god knows how many weeks and months. You were happy for him, but it was the fact that you hardly get to see him as much as you would like. You were 2 years younger than him, 16, and you were always having your doubts. He was turning 18 next month while he was on tour and that was upsetting you more.

Lately you had been wondering if you were good enough for Luke. You felt like you were too young for him and that he would be better off with someone his own age. 

"Rachel? You alright?" Luke asked you as you just stared blankly at the TV screen in front of you. 

You looked up at him and you could tell that your eyes were looking glassy because your vision was getting blurred. You were about to cry. It was getting too much for you. You were also getting messages on twitter, saying that you were too young and that you don't deserve him. You couldn't look at him anymore, so you ran upstairs and locked yourself in the bathroom and started crying.

"Rachel! Babe! Come on, open up! What's wrong?" Luke shouted, as he knocked on the closed door trying to get it.

Eventually, when you had enough courage to speak, you said, "Luke, I can't do this!" then another sob escaped your lips. 

"Can't do what baby? Please open the door and talk to me!" he said and you could hear he was about to cry himself. So you unlocked the door but didn't open it. He must have heard the lock go because he stepped in and sat beside you on the floor, pulling you in for a sideward hug. 

"Luke, it's getting too much lately. You keep going and coming back and then going back. Also, I am too young for you. Your turning 18 next month, and you are going to be partying with the boys and enjoying your time. I have only just turned old enough to have sex for crying out loud. You deserve someone who is your age and is able to do them things with you because I can't. Even the fans think I am too young for you and that you deserve someone older. Luke, I think we should bre-" you started to say but you were cut off by his lips on yours.

"Don't you dare say it! I love you Rachel. I don't care about our age. Age is just a number. As for the fans, they don't know about us and what our relationship is like. They can judge us however much they like, but they don't know us and how much we love each other. I don't want someone older, because then it wouldn't be you and I am in love with you Rachel and I have been ever since we met. I don't care that you've just turned old enough to have sex, I'm not going to push you into anything anyways. I don't care that you're not old enough to go clubbing. You know I'm not fond of it either anyways. I am also sorry, that I keep leaving and then coming back and then leaving again, but you know that's my job and I would take you with me, but I can't. Just remember, I love you and I always will and don't listen to the fans," he told you and you could help but tear up again at the sound of that. He gave you a loving kiss.

Just from that speech he did, you know that he means it and you are happy because you love him and he loves you and that's all that matters. No more listening to fans. No more constant doubting because you have the best boyfriend you could ever ask for in the whole world.

**Hope you liked it! If anyone else wants one, go to the first page of this book and request! Or request a certain preference you want to see! **

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