#78 You Get Caught Buying Condoms By A Fan

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HEYY!!! Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was at SLFL in London!!! Last night was honestly THE best night of my life! By a mile! It was honestly the best! I first saw the boys 3 years ago on 5/4/13 when they opened for the 1D boys, and seeing them last night in their own show was honestly a dream come true! Anyway, enough of my rambling... here's another one! Hope you like it! 

You and Luke were out shopping and you had a fun night planned tonight, and it involved a very intimate ending. You pulled up to a drugstore where you needed to grab some makeup. "I need to pick up something for tonight..." he said. It was rare that Luke got embarrassed, so you pressed for more. "Like...?" you said, and he looked at you. "Condoms," he whispered, blushing in the cheeks. "Okay, so get those and I'll get makeup?" you said, climbing out of the car. "Right," he said, and turned the car off. Fans immediately piled towards you, swarming around you. You tried to talk to them all, giving Luke as much privacy as you could. The fans loved you, and they followed you. Until you got to the till. Luke came up and put his item on the counter. Fans gasped and you just smiled, knowing all hell was about to break loose. The cashier scanned it and put it in the bag first, but it didn't change anything. People had gotten pictures and you were caught. Before you got home, you could hear your phones dinging with hundreds of twitter notifications. You walked into your house and Luke got a call from his mom. "I am glad you're being safe, but be a little more discreet," you heard her say and you couldn't help but laugh, expecting her to go full on Mamma Hemmings on you two. You blushed and Luke groaned. "Mom!" he said, and he hung up. You ended up being too embarrassed to do anything in the end, which was disappointing for both of you, but at least you knew this wouldn't happen next time.

Calum: It was yours and Calum's two year anniversary, and you were currently out to dinner. Calum kept rubbing your hand, causing you to look up to him. "Let's go home and really celebrate," he whispered in your ear, gently giving it a bite and you blushed. Calum got the check and you two went out to the car. On the way home, you leaned on Calum's shoulder. "You have condoms right?" you asked, rubbing his thigh. "Shit," he muttered and let out a groan, quickly taking a left. You two pulled up to a drugstore, and Calum went in while you waited in the car. You were changing the radio stations until you saw Calum walking out. But it wasn't just Calum, it was Calum and a dozen girls taking pictures and fan girling over him. You laughed released a laugh while saying, "Poor Calum," and watching him jog to the car. He got in and he was beet red in the cheeks. "Did you get caught babe?" you teased with a smirk, and he nodded. "Damn, we're not going to hear the end of this," you said as you two drove away and carried on with your night plans. In the morning, you went on your phone. You saw tweets from fans linking you to a Sugarscape article. You clicked it and saw the title. "Calum and Y/N were up all night," oh god. There were three pictures, one of Calum picking out condoms, one of him buying them and one of you two in the car. "Cal, check this out," you say, showing him the phone. He turned and saw it and instantly blushed. You ended up cuddling into his arms and he kissed the top of your head. "All of this embarrassment was worth it," he said and you sense the smirk, causing you to blush.

Michael: "Babe, come here," Michael said after you had just got home from dinner with a friend. You walked over to him, heels hitting the floor hard, and you looked good, no great, and you knew it. He leaned up for a kiss, sitting on the couch, and you pressed your lips to his. Instead of a quick peck, Michael pulled you onto his lap, you wrapping your legs around his waist, as he rubbed his hands up and down your sides. You were running your fingers through his hair as he went to undo your dress. "Do you have a condom?" you asked, but it was muffled by Michael biting your lip. "No," he grunted, trying to kiss you again. "Mikey, we need to be protected..." you say, uncoiling your legs. "Alright, alright. No problem. Let's go to the drugstore and pick some up then," he said, standing up and literally flying down to the car, dragging you along with him. You walked into the store hand in hand and you noticed that the store was practically empty as you made your way to the contraceptive section. Michael grabbed his favourite brand that he liked to you, and you two went to the till. "Oh my god... Michael Clifford!?" you heard from behind you. You kept walking but Michael froze. "Michael! Oh my god I love you are the other boys!" the fan shouted, and you turned to see Michael looking at her. "What are you...? Oh," the fan says once she realised what was going on and the three of you blush. Michael signs her phone case she had in her hand before you both went to the till. The news spread like wildfire and #funnightatMikeyyandY/N was trending on twitter soon after your meeting with the fan.

Ashton: You walked in the drugstore with an empty box of condoms that you had recently finished. You had never done this before, but you really wanted to surprise Ashton for his birthday while he was out with the boys for the day and it was just gunna be you and him for the night. You went over to the section where the condoms were and saw another girl standing there. She looked up at you when she heard someone walking over and smiled, you smiling back. "Oh my god... Wait, you're Y/N, Ashton's girlfriend!" Damn, you thought you might get away with it, but apparently not. "Yeah" you laughed, "Nice to meet you..." "Emma," she finished your sentence. "So, do you know what you're doing?" you asked Emma as you looked at the different kinds and she shook her head, no. "It's my six month anniversary tonight, and I want to surprise him," she explained, fidgeting a little. "Its Ashton's-" "Birthday, I know, I tweeted him this morning," Emma laughed. You smiled and looked at her hands and saw she was holding the same box as you. "Here, this is them," you said, handing her the box. "Thanks Y/N," she said. You went and paid for yours and waved goodbye. You ended up having a great night with Michael and in the morning, you went on twitter. You saw a tweet from @Em5SOS_Punk that read 'Met @Y/T/N at the store last night picking up surprises for our boyfriends! What a sweet girl!' You followed her and DMed her, thanking her for not being too detailed on what you were actually doing.


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