#51 You Wipe Away His Tears

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Luke: You were sitting on the tour bus, waiting for the boys to come back from wherever they went. They didn't actually tell you in the end where they were going exactly but you didn't push to find out. You soon heard the door to the tour bus being opened and Michael ran in and said, "(Y/N), you're here!" then pulled someone in. Next thing you saw was Luke walking in but what caught your attention was that his face was read and he tear stains all down his cheeks. You shot up instantly and ran over to him. "Luke, baby! What happened?" you asked panicked. He didn't answer, just pulled you into a hug and buried his head into the crook of your neck. By this time, Michael had walked out. I pulled Luke over to the couch and you both sat down. "Now, do you want to tell me, why you are crying," I whispered to him, not trying to be demanding. "You'll think I'm a baby," he mumbled and kept wiping tears away furiously. "Lukey, you know I won't. Now come on, tell me," I told him and he looked into my eyes. "I miss home," he whispered. "I miss home and I miss my family," he said and then more tears started flowing down his cheeks. "Lukey, it's normal to miss home. I know you miss them, but just think, the longer you wait, the more special it feels when you reunite," I told him and he smile up at me. "I love you, you know that right?" you looked at him and replied with, "I know Lukey, and I love you too." You ended up phoning Liz and getting her to talk to Luke and it cheered him up a lot. 

Calum: You were sitting in your room on your own on a Friday night as usual, just doing homework and watching re-runs of shows and that to past the time. You were in the middle of watching re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S when you heard your phone going off, so you looked at the caller ID to see it was your best friend Calum. You answered it with a cheerful 'hello' but as soon as you heard a sob from the other line, your smile faded and instantly turned concerned. "Calum? What's wrong?" you asked and he choked back an answer. "C-Can I-I come ove-over?" you instantly replied with a yes and he said he would be there in 10 minutes. Soon, the doorbell rang and you ran to open it, seeing Calum there, eyes red and tear stains running down his face. He crashed into me with a hug and you responded quickly. You closed the front door and led him into the living room and made him sit down on the couch, you sitting next to him. "Did you want to tell me what happened?" you asked him and he took a few breathes to calm himself down before he started to speak. "My girlfriend, sh-she..." he couldn't carry on before he chocked out another sob. After a few more minutes, he finally calmed down fully, but tears were still flowing. "She cheated on me and then she told me she has been cheating on me for a month after we got together. She also started to say how she was only using me for the money." You stared at him in disbelief. He doesn't deserve that. "Shh. Calum, don't worry about it. You don't deserve someone like that. You deserve someone so much better," you whispered in his ear as you gave him a hug. The rest of the night, you and Calum were watching movies and playing games, taking his mind off of what happened. 

Michael: You were so mad at Michael at this moment in time. You couldn't believe what he did. He basically humiliated you in front of the boys, their girlfriends and a few fans. The thing he said that got you upset was that he openly said that he thought you were fat. You couldn't remember exactly what he said, because you didn't stay long and it all happened in a rush. You were currently sitting in your bedroom, head buried in a pillow and you were crying your eyes out. He knew you were always worried about your weight, so why did he have to go and say that! You were currently back at your house and your mum kept knocking on your door, asking what the matter was and for you to open the door. You didn't move a muscle, you just told her to go away and leave you alone. You heard her sigh and then heard footsteps fading away as she walked away from the door. The event kept repeating itself in your head and you got more upset the more you thought about it. After a while, you heard another knock, you just told them to go away, thinking it was your mum. The person kept knocking so you decided to get up and walked to the door, opening it. What you saw shocked you. You saw Michael standing there, head down, but you saw he had red cheeks and you saw tear stains down his face. "(Y/N), I am so sorry, I d-didn't mean-" Michael started saying but then he broke down and fell to his knees, hands covering his face as he released loud sobs. This is the first time you have ever seen him like this and it broke your heart. "Mikey," you whispered as you crouched down to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he quickly wound his arms around your waist, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "I-I'm s-so sor-ry," he said in between sobs. You spent the rest of the day cuddling with each other and Michael would keep saying sorry and that he never meant it. 

Ashton: You were currently at work and you were really busy with customers asking you questions and all that. So when you got onto your break, you couldn't be more relieved. You walked out of the shop and started walking down the sidewalk to the local café you enjoyed and wanted to get your favourite drink and a sandwich. When you got there and ordered it and sat down, you checked your phone to see a few missed calls from Luke and Michael. You were a bit confused and rang one of them back which was Luke because he had called you the most. "(Y/N)!?" Luke questioned as soon as he answered. "Yeah? Luke, what's up? Why did you ring me so many times?" you asked him and you could hear a bit of commotion in the background. "It's Ashton," he said and with those two words, you instantly grew worried. "What, Luke? What's happened?" "He's locked himself in the bathroom and he won't come out and we all think he is hurting himself," Luke said and your eyes started to water and the thought. "I'll be right there," you said and quickly took off, leaving your food and drink behind. The good thing was that the boys were staying in your home town and within walking distance, so you ran to the apartment. Good choice of wearing trainers today. When you got there and about to knock on the door, it flew open and you were dragged inside. It was Calum and he was dragging you to the bathroom where Ashton was. As soon as you stopped, you heard sobbing from inside. "Ashton, baby?" you whispered into the door, not wanting to startle him. He must of heard you though because his sobs silenced for a for a bit, but then started again. "Ash, please stop," you spoke, but your voice cracked as tears started to make their way down your face. "Why should I? Everyone hates me. The fans hate me. They tell me that I'm fat and that I should just die," Ashton sobbed out and you felt your heart break. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, you listen to me. Not everyone hates you. I don't. The boys don't. Your family don't. The true fans don't. Ashton we all love you and you shouldn't listen to some people because of what they tweet you. The boys and I get hate, but I always remember that I have you lot to help me through it. Especially you Ashton. I love you, please don't." Once you said those words, the door swung open and you were crushed into a hug. "I love you too (Y/N) and I so sorry."

**They just kept getting longer and longer**

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