End Up Here - Song Preference

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All his POV:

"My head spins
I'm pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move
you’re way too cool
And you're coming this way
Coming this way"

Luke: I was in a club enjoying my drink and enjoying the music blaring out. I don't know how many drinks I must have had because my head was really spinning and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I end up going to the side of the room and leaning against the wall to keep my balance and to make sure I don't pass out on the floor. When I looked out onto the dance floor, there she was. It was like my mind clouded everyone else out but kept her as my clear focus. She was just dancing with her friends with a wide smile on her face looking absolutely beautiful in her dress and the way she danced. She looked over in my direction and we locked eyes for a few seconds, but that soon turned into minutes because she was making her way over to me, holding my gaze. Now this should be a night to remember.

"Everybody thought you were so insane
Cause you were so far out of my league
My friends say I should lock you down
Before you figure me out and you run away
But you don't and you wont as you kiss me
And you tell me that you're here to stay"

Calum: Me and my lovely girlfriend have been going out for a month now, but whenever someone saw us together, a lot of people would end up walking up to her and ask her if she was insane because she was dating me. I must admit she is so far out of my league and she could do better, but she chose me, so I'm not complaining, but does make me think sometimes. Especially when other guys come over and start flirting with her. All my friends are telling me to lock her down and to make sure she doesn't figure me out and end up running away to someone else. But she has never run away nor tried to and she always ends up kissing me and reassuring me that she is never leaving and she is here to stay.

"Call me lucky 'cause in the end
I'm a 6 and she's a 10
She's so fit
I'm insecure
But she keeps coming back for more"

Michael: Ever since I met this wonderful girl, I have felt like the luckiest man in the world because she ended up choosing me instead of another boy who could be so much better than I. She's just so gorgeous and amazing and perfect. I love her. However when people are talking about her on a scale of 1-10 they always call her a 10, but whenever someone says about me, I am always a 6 or lower, and it always depresses me. She's just so fit, but unfortunately everyone else thinks so as well, so a load of boys try and hit on her and impress her with big muscles and six packs and I am always the one sitting into the corner feeling insecure. I always think that as soon as she leaves to go home or something, that's it. I will never see her again. However, she keeps coming back for more and says she is always here to stay.

"How did we end up talking in the first place
You said you like my Cobain shirt
Now were walking back to your place"

Ashton: Everyday, it always baffles me how the hell we got here in the first place. Like, at first we didn't even know each other but now, here I am at her place, looking at how amazing she is and I never want to go back to a time that I didn't know her. I can't even remember how we started talking or anything, it just happened so fast. The main thing I remember her saying was that she liked my Cobain shirt and the next thing I knew was that we were walking back to her place and that was the best night of my life. Now here we are. 2 months later and we are still talking, in a relationship and I have now fallen for her. Thanks to that one night.

**Hope you liked it! Please vote! Also, THANK YOU for 15K reads! Not far from 400 votes now as well! Oh and I am working on your requests and I am working on the part 2 to the break-up preference. I have just been a bit busy, but it will be up soon! Could you please check out my He's My Bully Fanfic please? And share with friends or twitter or something. I am really trying to get more people to read and vote thank you!**

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