Michael Imagine *Dirty*

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**This is a dirty Michael imagine, so if you don't like this sort of stuff, or your younger than 14 then don't read!**

You and Michael have been best friends since you were toddlers but lately you two have been getting closer and closer. Lately ‘chilling’ on the couch was now turning into cuddling on the couch and sharing the same bed eventually led to spooning. You could slowly feel yourself catching feelings towards Mikey, which you promised yourself you’d never do because he was a lifelong friend, the only person you trusted with your life and you never wanted to lose that. That promise was swiftly being broken by your heart though, your heart wanted Michael and no matter how hard you tried to fight it, your heart won. As you started to accept the fact you were officially falling for little Mikey you found it hard to hide your feelings because of the fear he didn’t feel the same. Hiding wouldn’t be necessary soon.

One rainy, cold day you were sitting on the couch in your favourite baggy jumper, comfy shorts with a cup of tea and your favourite movie on TV when Michael came and slouched himself down beside you resting this head on your shoulder. He looked up at you through his long fringe, dangling down on across his face.

“What do you want, shithead?” you asked playfully sipping on your tea.

“Just, wan-Nothing,” he sighed, still staring at you.

“You just wanted what?” you asked turning your attention back to the TV. 

You heard him take a deep breath and then whispered “I just wanted to tell you that you’re beautiful.”

It took a second for his words to register in your head, and you turned to face him not knowing what to say. Sitting there speechless, you both stared into each other’s eyes. He started to lean closer to you, so close your noses were almost touching. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt his warm breath against your lips as he got closer and closer.

“I’m so in love with you,” he breathlessly whispered as he gently pressed his lips to yours. He pulled away ever so slightly and stared into your eyes.

“I’m love with you too, Michael,” you sighed. He smiled at you and leaned in and kissed you again, this time he was a lot firmer. You kissed him back and snaked your hands around his neck entangling your fingers in his hair.

As the kiss got deeper and deeper, your need for him was getting stronger. His hands gently explored your body before he slowly drifted his fingers under your jumper. His fingers were cold and left goose bumps on behind as he traced swirls on your skin. Your tongues slowly met each other and soon enough they were both fighting each other in a battle for dominance. He slowly pulled both of you off the couch without losing contact with your lips. He pulled you closer to him, kissing you hard.

You pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly toned torso. You glided your hands up his body and around his neck again. He lifted you up slightly, signalling you to wrap your legs around him, so you did. He briskly pushed your back against the wall, leaving your lips he roughly kissed down your jawline, straight to your neck.

As he bit and sucked on your skin his hands were roughly cupping your breasts. You let a soft moan escape your mouth. Mikey continued at your neck and you were sure he would leave a mark, as he bit and sucked his hand slipped lower and lower.

He kept on hand on your torso, helping you in position against the wall and the other was comfortably in your shorts. He rubbed you quickly over your pants and you couldn’t even try to hold it in. You moaned into his ear and you could feel him smirking against your neck.

He looked up at you looking pleased with himself. He slipped his hands beneath your pants onto your bare skin, making you twitch slightly. He quickly pushed two of his fingers into, making you squeal with surprise. He moved in and out of you with hard, quick movements making you lose control. Your hands were searching for something to grab onto.

“Michael, I’m really close!” you managed to blurt out in-between moans. The second he heard you he stopped. He released you from his grip and placed you back on the ground. He grabbed your hand and lead to the bedroom.

Pulling you through the door he slammed you against the wall, pushing the door behind him.

He kissed you hard, pulling your jumper over your head and unhooking your bra with one swift movement. You pushed him down onto the bed, climbing on top of him you decided it was your turn to please him.

You straddled his waist, slowly sliding your hands up and down his torso. He looked deep into your eyes, his we’re so much darker than you had ever seen. Dark with lust.

You leaned down and kissed his lips softly, slowly moving to his jawline, neck and down his body. As you got to the top of his jeans you could see his noticeably hard boner pushing hard against his jeans. You quickly pulled open his belt, the button and the zipper.

You could feel him watching your every moment with anticipation. You palmed at him over his boxers and he threw his head back with pleasure.

Quickly you pulled down both his boxers and jeans and took hold of his length in your hands. You moved your hands up and down painfully slow, you could see it in his eyes. You lowered yourself and took him in your mouth. He threw his head back, slightly moaning as you swirled your tongue around his tip. He placed his hand on the back of your head and guided you up and down his cock, pushing you further down each time. As he pushed your head down one last time, he completely lost it.

You could tell he was close and released him from your mouth. He sat up and pulled you closer to him and then in one quick move he was on top. He kissed you passionately, the kind of kiss you never felt before.

He pulled away and softly said “are you ready?” as positioned himself at your entrance.

“Mmmm” you replied.

And with your permission he slowly pushed himself inside of you, making you both moan. He slowly thrusted in and out of you, causing waves of pleasure to take over your body.

“Faster” you muttered. He obeyed your order and moved faster.

You found your hands moving down his back, and the harder he thrusted the deeper your fingernails embedded into his skin.

“Mikey” you moaned “I’m gunna come.” As you said that he went harder and deeper with every thrust and you quickly reached your limit.

Your body twitched as you released yourself, your walls collapsing around him. Seconds after you Michael reached his peak and you could feel him slowly spilling inside of you.

He collapsed on the bed beside you, both of you breathless. When you soon got your breath back, he pulled you closer to him.

Wrapping his arms around your waist he nuzzled his head into your neck, whispering “I love you so much.” You smiled to yourself and responded.

“I love you too.”

Those words you’ve always wanted to say. 

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