#67 Long Way Home - Song Pref

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Luke: "Take me back to the middle of nowhere. Back to the place only you and I share. Remember all the memories, fireflies and make believe."

You and Luke had been having a rough time lately, always finding something to argue about, but you would always end up forgiving the other and moving on. One day, you were sitting down on the sofa, cuddling into Luke and you had just had another fight and made up. You had something on your mind and you had to ask him. "Luke?" you asked to get his attention. "Yeah, angel?" he replied and you couldn't help but smile. You loved it when he called you that. "Do you ever think that we should go back to near the start of our relationship?" you asked. "What do you mean?" he replied. "Well, before we started fighting, and back to where we would just drive to the middle of nowhere and just sit and talk," you explained, not looking at him. "Sometimes, yeah. I mean, we would always have so much fun just being random and driving to random places that we had no clue of and yet, we could make the best memories ever," he said and you could tell he was smiling at the thoughts of it because so were you. "Do you remember when we drove to a massive field and it started to get dark and all of a sudden we saw something bright in the distance. We both walked up to it and found out it was a firefly. You found me weird because that was the first time I had ever seen one and I went crazy over it," you laughed. Luke let out a chuckle and you felt him shake his head yes and he said, "I didn't find you weird, I found you cute. Adorable even. You were so fascinated by them. That was day I realised just how much I loved you and how I always would," he said and you smiled. "Actually, I wouldn't change a thing."

Calum: "Hitting every red light. Kissing at the stop signs darling. Green days on the radio."

You and Calum loved driving. No matter where it was, you two would always find somewhere to drive to. That or you would end up driving and never stopped, well, until you would have to that is. You loved driving to places that you had never been before. There are also days when you would end up stopping at every red light but it still wouldn't bother you because that would mean more time you and Calum would spend together. Sometimes, you and Calum would take little road trips just to spend more time together and to avoid having to go home. Spending as much time as you could together while he was off and not touring the world. He would always say 'No matter how many times I may have been here with the boys, I have never completely been here unless I have been with you.' You loved going on trips with Calum because it was always just you two and you could do whatever you want, whenever you wanted. Every time you would stop at a stop sign, you would always kiss each other, it was kind of a tradition you two worked up. Another thing you always do is that you always have a Green Day album playing in the background, normally 'American Idiot' or 'Dookie'.

Michael: So we're taking the long way home. 'Cause I don't wanna be wasting my time alone. I wanna get lost and drive forever with you, Talkin' bout nothing, yeah, whatever, baby"

You and Michael were driving back from a little break you and him took a few hours away from your home town and you were looking out you're window and you recognised nothing. "Mike, where are we?" you asked your boyfriend who was concentrating on the motorway. "I don't exactly know, but I know we are heading the right way. It's a different surrounding because we are going a different way. A slightly longer way," he explained to whilst intertwining your fingers together. "Why are we taking a longer way home?" you asked, confused at his actions. He never normally does this. He is normally wanting to be home as soon as soon as possible because he normally has to be somewhere with the boys doing something. "I am taking the long way home because I don't need to rush. I want to be able to spend all the time in the world with you but I know I can't. So, I figured, by doing this, we won't be rushing our time together. I don't wanna rush home and then say goodbye to you, then having to waste my time on my own when I could be doing so much more whenever I am with you. I don't care where we go, I just wanna be able to drive as long as possible with you, spending as much time with you as I can. I would rather be lost and be able to drive forever and wherever with you. I know, that when I am with you, I can talk about anything and everything and we never run out of things to talk about. Baby, I love you and I always will and I want to be able to spend as much time with you as I can because you are my life and without you, I would have nothing to live for," he finished and then placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "I love you too, Michael and I always will. I love this idea, it means I can spend so much more time with you before you leave for tour again," you whispered and you both sat back and enjoyed the time that you were having with each other.

Ashton: "Kicking back at the old school yard, singing songs on our guitars. This is our reality, crazy, stupid you and me."

You and Ashton were spending the first day Ashton had free in a long time together in his house. You were in his bedroom with him, talking about random crap and memories you two shared. You were talking about an old memory but all of a sudden it looked like a lightbulb went off in his head because his eyes lit up and a massive smile broke out on his face. You looked at him a bit sceptically and he jumped up. "Come on," he said, acting really hyper. You were just walked out of the bedroom door when you saw him grab his guitar and you have him another weird look. "Where are we going?" you asked him. "You'll see," he said and then grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, you following behind him as he raced down the street. You were walking for about 15 minutes and then you saw your old school you went with Ashton come into view. You looked at Ashton and smiled. Memories flooding your brain. This was the place you had met Ashton in the first place and that was where your relationship grew. He pulled you round back and next thing you knew, you were in the middle of the field that they had there. You both sat down next to each other and Ashton put the guitar in his lap and placed his fingers correctly and began strumming. "Do you remember when we used to come out here at lunch and either you or me would bring our guitars out and just strum and sing to anything we wanted and we thought we were the best?" he asked and you couldn't help but release a laugh at the memory of when you would do that. "Says the one who is a band travelling the world," you replied with a smirk. "Yeah, but I'm a drummer. You were always the better one at guitar anyways," he winked at you and he started playing 'Beside You' and you happily sung along. That's when you realised, sitting here with him, that the reality of your relationship was that you were both as crazy and stupid as each other and that is what makes your relationship so strong.

**Okay, I have posted the first chapter of my new story and it's called 'Faking It'! It not a celebrity one. I am saying this just in case you might think it is about Dylan O'Brien becase I have used his picture as the front cover. So if you want to read it, then go into my works and you will see it. Hope you like it!**

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