#16 You Give Birth (Pregnant Series)

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**This is the last part. In all of these parts I haven't said what the gender is or any names because I thought I would leave that to you and your imagination because I don't know what names you like and don't like so yeah. Sorry if it is a bit rubbish though :L Anyways! Enjoy!

Luke: Just as Luke said, he stuck by your side the whole way through your pregnancy, taking time off work when he needed and then he would always go with you to the doctors for your check-ups. When you got the picture of your baby from the ultrasound one time, you both couldn't stop crying with happiness. Both yours and his parents were supportive of you two. They didn't agree because you were young, but they were there for you whenever you needed it. Luke was so caring as well all throughout. He would tend to you every need when he was with you, then when he was on tour, he would always phone and skype to make sure you were okay, and to see if the baby was okay. You were getting close to your due date and Luke knew this and because he didn't need to go on tour, he would always stay with you. You were laying your head on his lap watching TV while he was running his hands through your hair, knowing it always relaxed you. All of a sudden an excruciating pain shot through you and you felt your water break and you released a painful scream. At the sound of this, Luke sprang into action and knew that this was it. He told you to wait on the sofa while he ran upstairs and grabbed your bag that was already packed, and he frantically called for his mum because he couldn't drive yet. Both his mum and him came running down the stairs and helped you into the car and then went speeding down to the hospital. After a long, long time in labour, you finally heard the sound that changed your life. It was a sound of a baby crying. This was just the start of your wonderful family.

Calum: You and Calum have been so excited for the past 8 and a half months, and you both couldn't wait to give birth to it already. You both told your parents the same day you found out and they were all over the moon by the news. They knew you had been trying for a long while, so when they found out that you were finally pregnant, they were so happy for you two. You were currently at Calum's concert because they were doing their own headline tour and you were enjoying the show and you could tell all the boys were as well from the looks on their faces. Calum instructed a security guard to stay with you throughout the whole show just in case something happens because he wouldn't want you on your own or something. You were thankful though because it showed he was really trying to look after you and that. It was about half way through the show and they just started singing another song when all of a sudden, a sharp pain rain through your body and you felt your water break. You were in too much of a shock to scream, but you bent over, holding your stomach and letting out shaky breaths. The security guard looked at you and asked if it was time and you quickly shook your head yes and that was enough for the guard to run on stage and go up to Calum and shout in his ear that it is happening. Calum quickly looked over to you with wide eyes and saw you pain, stopped what he was doing and ran towards you, helping you stand. He was muttering soothing words to you and telling you to breathe as he was walking you away and towards the car. You heard Luke say, "Well, it looks like the baby is finally coming! Calum's going to be a dad!" and then the whole place just cheers. Once you get to the hospital, you were near enough ready to give birth so it wasn't a long wait. Calum was there the whole time and was holding your hand, even though you think you might have broken it... When you both heard the baby crying, you knew you had done it. They gave the baby to Calum to hold first after they cleaned it up and he immediately broke into sobs. Happiest day of your life.

Michael: You were round your parents one day and you were just sitting in the living room watching TV whilst your mum was out in the kitchen preparing food of some sorts. Throughout your pregnancy, Michael hasn't really been there because he keeps having shows to do, recording or even going back on tour. At the moment he wasn't even in (Your Country) because he was touring somewhere else. He did try and arrange for his manager to let him go because he knew your due date was nearing, but he wasn't letting him to both of your disappointments. "MUM!" You all of a sudden scream out and she comes running into the room. "What's wrong?" she asked panicky. "I think the baby's coming!" you said with pain evident in your voice. She helped you up, grabbed your bag and helped you into the car, with your dad in the driver’s seat and your mum in the passengers. "Mum. Call Michael!" you said before you let out another painful scream. You saw her pull her phone out and dialled Michael's number. You gave it to her just in case this would happen. "Michael? - Listen, (Y/N) is going into labour- I know your here, but you can't you get the first flight out or something? - Okay- Bye." After getting to the hospital and long, painful hours, you finally heard crying. Once they cleaned your baby up, you held it for a while with tears pouring out due to happiness and sadness because Michael wasn't here to see his first child. After a while, you fell asleep because you were so exhausted. The next morning you woke up and looked around the hospital room and your eyes landed on Michael who was sitting in the chair, smiling down at our child. This is just perfect!

Ashton: You were driving somewhere. After what happened between you and Ashton and the little argument and that, Ashton stuck by you and went with you to every check-up, and was there for every need. He wasn't really around for the first 7 months of the pregnancy, but when it got to 8 months, he stayed with you because he knew that it wouldn't be long. One day, Ashton decided on taking you on a little drive around for no reason, he just felt like it and to be honest, you were just happy to get out of the house a bit. 10 minutes into the drive you took a loud gasp as you felt pain and that your water just broke. You looked towards Ashton, who was already looking at you, and you gave him the look as if to say 'it's time.' Luckily, you were heading in the direction to the hospital anyway, so it didn't really take you long to get there. Once you were there they rushed you off to delivery and with a good couple of hours, you and Ashton finally heard crying and you both smiled at each other and then looked at your baby that was being cleaned up. The nurse then walked over and handed the small child to you and you cradled it in your arms. It was the cutest and most beautifulist thing you have ever seen in your life. You looked at Ashton and saw he was crying. "Did you want to hold?" You asked him and he instantly nodded his head yes. You handed the baby to him and he took it in his arms, smiling widely at his new child. "I can't believe I told you to get rid of it! This is literally the best moment in my life ever. We have a family!" he said with excitement.

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