#30 He Leaves For Tour

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Luke: “Don’t start,” he muttered, glancing up at you as he began stacking up his suitcases while you sat on the bed eyes glazed over slightly and sniffling. He let out a deep sigh as he watched a single tear fall from your eye, making its way down your cheek. Stacking his last bag on top of the others he stood up, making his way over to you on the bed. He kneeled down in front of you, pressing his forehead against yours an uneasy sigh escaping past his lips. “I'm going to miss you so much,” he breathed out staring into your sad eyes. “You’re leaving me…f…for eight months.” You said sniffling a frown falling upon your lips. “You’re coming to see me [Y/N]…in a few weeks.” He whispered pressing his lips to yours softly. He took your face in his hands, cupping it gently and continued to kiss you softly. The tears still continued to fall from your eyes, wetting both of your faces. He pulled away a little, his eyes now glazed over but a small sad smile on his lips. “I love you…I love you so much [Y/N]…I’ll miss you so much, “ he said sighing once more. He stood up slowly his eyes not leaving yours. “I have to go…” He whispered biting down gently on his lower lips.

Calum: You stood in the airport a small smile upon your lips as he held onto your hands loosely. “Eight months is a long time,” you whispered your smile saddening a little. He nodded slowly his lips forming a small frown. “We’ll be fine, babe. We always are.” He said shrugging slightly and you nodded. “I know…but I'm just going to miss you babe,” you sighed feeling your lower lip begin to tremble. He let go of your hands and let them travel up to your face cupping it. “I’ll miss you too baby,” he whispered letting his lips touch yours lightly. Your eyes slowly welled up as he repeated he’d miss you in a soft voice. A few tears escaped only to be swiped away by his thumbs. “I love you, [Y/N]…please don’t cry,” he said in a sad tone, pressing his lips softly to yours. “[Y/N] don’t cry…” he said again, his lips against yours as his flight was called over the intercom. You silently began to sob as he slowly dropped his hands from your face and stared straight at you. He encircled his arms around your waist, squeezing you tightly pressing his lips to your head. “I love you.” He said into your hair letting his arms drop from your waist and slowly backed up toward his gate.

Michael: A smile spread across his lips as he saw you standing in his Led Zeplin top. “Well don’t you just look good in my clothes, babe?” He said as you smiled back at him softly. “I take that back…you look good in everything you wear,” he said with a wink as he stepped closer to you, placing his hands on your waist. “I can’t believe you’re leaving, you muttered to him, a frown falling upon your lips. “Don’t frown, love. When you’re done with UNI you’re coming to see me,” he said pressing his lips to yours softly. “I love you, [Y/N],” he breathed against your lips causing you to smile a bit. “I love you too, Mikey…I hope these 3 months go by quickly,” you said pressing your lips to his a bit harder. The two of you heard the horn honk and separated slowly. Wrapping your arms around yourself you watched him inch toward the door. “Wear it every day,” he said smiling at you slightly whilst gesturing. “It’ll be like I'm there with you baby,” he said softly as he made it to the door, grabbing onto the handle. “I’ll try not to miss you too much, [Y/N]. Even though that would be impossible because as soon as I walk out that door, I will already miss you so much,” he whispered.

Ashton: You sat in the driver’s seat staring straight ahead as Ashton sat beside you, his hand placed lightly on your knee as you parked in front of the airport. “Still not going to look at me babe?” he asked sadly as he stared over at you. He glanced down at the time noticing it was nearly time for him to go. “I have to go soon…and you can’t even look at me babe,” he said his eyes glazing over a little. You let your eyes wander slowly over to him, your eyes matching his. You blinked slowly allowing the tears to fall. “I…I'm…I'm just going to miss you so much,” you stammered, choking on your sobs. He leaned forward pulling you into a hug, your face buried into his neck as you continued to cry. He pressed his lips to your ear, “I'm going to miss you too…you don’t know how badly I'm going to miss you. I love you so much [Y/N]…just be here when I come back,” his voice was slightly shaky as he spoke. He gently lifted your face out of his neck, pressing his lips gently to yours. “Be here when I get back,” he repeated once again against your lips. Before he had to leave

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