#41 He Gets A Boner In Public

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Luke: Sitting in his lap, you moved around a bit trying to find a comfortable spot only ending up in between his legs. Leaning back against him, you could feel him a bit hardened behind you and your eyes grew wide. Glancing over at him with confused eyes, he just shook his head in response. "Don't get up," he grumbled as he pulled your body closer into his. "I didn't even do anything Luke," you said letting your eyes casts down to the slight bulge in his trousers. "You never do anything. Doesn't mean it doesn't have an effect on me," he said, his eyes trailing from yours down to himself and back. "Let's go to the bathroom," your best friend said, standing in front of you two and Luke's eyes grew big. Without warning your friend helped you up and a blush grew on Luke's cheeks as he tried covering up the bulge. "Seriously Luke?" Michael called out with a hint of laughter in his voice. "That excited to see (Y/N)?" Ashton said tossing a pillow at Luke, who was too busy covering himself to swat it away. "We're in a restaurant. Shame on you," Calum teased wagging his finger over at Luke.

Calum: He walked behind you with his arms encircled around your waist and his chin on top of your head. "I just really want to get you home," he breathed taking his lower lip between his teeth as you nodded your head in agreement, it was a long day today. The closeness of your body was stirring something inside of him and unintentionally he could feel himself growing behind you. His teeth clenched as your walking came to a halt, crashing into you're a bit. "You're poking me," you muttered, your cheeks slightly reddening. "I-I'm sorry," he mumbled as his cheeks flushed a bit. "There are people Calum, you're telling we have to walk like this until we get home?" you asked, a hint of laughter now in your voice as you thought it over. "It's not funny. I didn't mean for this to happen (Y/N)," he said under his breath and you let out a giggle. "At least to people we'll look like this lovey-dovey couple, who love each other so much that they walk around town hugging all the way home. Except I'm just hiding your boner from the world," you said through your hysterics.

Michael: Sitting directly across from Michael at the restaurant with all of your friends, a playful smile played at your lips as your eyes gazed over to him. You watched as his eyes stayed trained on you as he held up his conversation with Calum, nodding occasionally. "Are we all going out after dinner?" your friend asked, smiling brightly at every one around the table. "I might have plans after," Michael muttered taking his lower lip between his teeth as his eyes trailed down to your lips and back up to your eyes. You licked your lips slowly, knowing it would set him off a bit since he was already on the edge. "Tease," he mouthed, causing you to let out a giggle before letting your feet travel slowly up his leg. Momentarily his eyes shut and he was trying to control himself, but it wasn't helping that your foot was nearing his length. He covered up a groan with a cough. "Um I'm going to the restroom," he mumbled as his eyes narrowed at you as he stood cautiously with his napkin placed over the front of his trousers and hurriedly headed toward the men's room. You knew you were going to get it once the two of you returned home.

Ashton: Your bodies were closely together as the two of you grinded into each other to the music. That was one of the things he'd like about you, you loved dancing and you were good at it. His hand gripped firmly onto your hips as he pulled your body closer into his, even though it wasn't physically possible because you were already close. The music was taking over your body as you let your head fall back onto his shoulder. Dancing harder, you pressed your bum more into his length earning a groan from Ash. He took his lip between his teeth as he kept up with your dancing. He knew he couldn't hold back any longer because he could feel himself growing behind you. "We have a problem," he groaned into your ear quietly and a smile made its way to your lips. "Again? I'm beginning to think maybe we shouldn't dance anymore when we go out Ash," you said playfully and he rolled his eyes. "It's your fault," he mumbled as you led him back over to the table through the crowded club. He held onto your waist tightly not wanting to lose the closeness nonetheless and exposing to the club his excitement for you.

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