Michael imagine for Allie_M_Clifford

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You were having a lazy day at your apartment because Michael was out doing an interview, and you didn't know what to do to be able to distract yourself the whole day whilst waiting for him. So, in the end, you decided to make a cup of hot chocolate and go lie in your bedroom, and watch random films and things on YouTube.

After a while, and after many different videos and films, you resulted into watching your favourite youtuber, who is Jordan Sweeto. You absolutely love him and all the videos he posts. You found yourself re-watching old videos, occasionally smiling and laughing. You completely lost track of time and you soon heard the sound of a door closing. You didn't think much of it because you knew exactly who it was, so you just stayed where you were and waited for him to make his way upwards.

Just has he was walking upstairs and into your bedroom, something funny happened on the video you were currently watching and you released a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Michael asked as he walked over towards you and sat down next to you on your bed with you.

"I'm watching Jordan," was all you had to say for him to know who you were talking about. You didn't look at him, you just continued to watch the video that was on.

"Oh god," you heard Michael say, and there was a hint of something else in his voice as well, but you couldn't put your finger onto what it was exactly though.

Next thing you know, the weight that was once on the bed next to you, was gone. You looked up and saw that Michael was walking out of the room and you heard him walking down the stairs. You stared after him with a confused look on your face. You continued to watch the video you were on till the end.

Once you had finished watching that one, you decided to go and see Michael and try to find what was up with him. You closed your laptop, grabbed the rubbish and glass and walked downstairs and to the kitchen. You walked in and saw that Michael was on his phone talking to someone. You decided not to disturb him and just threw your rubbish away and cleaned your glass and put it away.

When that was done, Michael was still on the phone talking about work or something, so you decided to go and sit in the living room, trying not to disturb him. You couldn't help but try and think what could possibly be up with Michael when he came home. He didn't give you your normal welcome which consisted of a kiss and an 'I love you' and your usual conversation of how your day had been.

"Okay mate, talk to you later. Bye," you heard Michael say into the phone and you heard him put his phone down. You sat there for a bit and debated whether to get up or not and go to him.

You decided to get up and go to him. You walked into the kitchen and saw he was standing there with his back towards you and was looking out of the window in a day dream. You walked over to him wrapped your hands around his torso and buried your head into his back. However, what hurt you was the fact that as soon as you touched him, he tensed up. You quickly retracted yourself when you felt he wasn't relaxing.

"Mikey? What's wrong?" you asked him and turned towards you with an unsure face.

"It's nothing," he said and you could easily tell that he was lying which annoyed you.

"Michael, tell me what's wrong?" you said more sternly to him.

"Ummm..." he said with uncertainty. "Can I ask you something?" he asked whilst looking down at the ground.

"Yeah sure. You know you can, anytime," you reassured him.

"What does he have that I don't?" he asked and you were instantly confused.

"Who?" you asked, and you reached out and lifted his chin up with your fingers to get him to look at you in the eye.

"Jordan," he stated quietly, and realisation washed over you as soon as he said that. He was jealous.

"Aww Mikey," you said and you took his face in between your hands and looked him straight in the eye. "Michael Gordan Clifford, you are the most amazing and wonderful person I have ever met. I never thought I would get the chance to meet you, and now I am extremely lucky to be able to call you my boyfriend and I would not change that in a second. You have nothing to be jealous of. I love you. You! No one else. I love how goofy you are. How caring you are. How you always take care of me, and putting up with my moodiness one specific time each month. I love that you are always dying your hair and being different, even though I am still surprised you still have hair," you winked at him and he released a small chuckle. "I understand you were jealous when I was watching Jordan, because I am the exact same when the tables are turned and you are talking to your fans. It worries me, but then you come home and you do everything to reassure me that you won't leave me. I love you Michael and no one could ever compare to you, and you are my one and only," you finished and you couldn't help but smile. "And you satisfy my needs," you smirked and you both couldn't help but release a laugh.

Michael's eyes are starting to water and he was smiling the biggest smile you had seen in a long time.

"I love you so much Allie," he whispered before pulling you into him and placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

**Here you go! I am so, so, so sorry it took so long! I hope you like it though!**

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