#62 Jealous Sex

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**Just to say, if you want to take part in writing the imagine then DM me it once you are done. Look forward to read them!**

Luke: He looked up at you with glazed over eyes and a slanted smile. “What are we doing up here?” he asked slowly bringing the palms of his hands up to his eyes. He let out a sound of surprise when you climbed into his lap and let his hands fall from his eyes and closed them around your hips. Your lips were attached to his jaw shortly after and you began sucking bruises into his skin, making low sighs leave his lips. “(Y/N)… wha-what are you doing?” he asked closing his hands around your hips tighten as your lips trailed down his neck and your fingers undid the buttons to his shirt. He pulled back a bit, separating your lips from his skin, to blink up at you slowly with the same lopsided smile on his lips. “Babe,” he said in a drawled tone as you raked your nails over his now exposed chest. “What’s gotten into you? You’re marking me up like crazy,” he shook his head a bit before letting it fall back onto the couch cushion. “I don’t like how they look at you,” you mumbled slowly trailing your fingers to the button on his jeans. “I-I don’t like it Luke. You’re with me,” you continued to speak under your breath before pressing your lips to his and undoing the button of his jeans.

Calum: “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked with his eyes narrowed after slamming the door to the room he’d dragged you into. “What I do is none of your concern Calum,” you narrowed your eyes back at him stepping around him and making your way to the door. However, he caught a hold of your elbow stopping you. “It is my concern because you’re my-” he started saying but you cut him off. “I’m your what Cal? We aren’t together. Did you forget that?” you jerked out of his grasp with a roll of your eyes. You looked on as he clenched his jaw and a dry chuckle made its way past your lips. “Did it bother you Cal?” you asked, turning completely toward him and with your head cocked to the side and a smirk on your lips once noticing his eyes darkening. “You didn’t like seeing someone else touching me?” you asked, but you didn’t receive a vocal response and your back was now against the wall with his lips pressed to yours harshly. Teeth clanking, his fingers digging into your skin surely to leave behind bruises as his hands slid down to the hem of your dress and began pushing it up. He easily undid his belt and jeans, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist as before pressing into you roughly. “Only me… only I can touch you.”

Michael: His eyes focused on you as you grinded back on the guy behind you with your head resting on his shoulder and your eyes shut. With his fists clenched, he made his way over. The look he had on his face alone got the guy behind you to drop his hands from your waist and backing up. Tearing your eyes open you stared back at your boyfriend with a lopsided smile. “You’re here,” you said loudly leaning in to close your arms around his neck. “I’ve been here a while… but you were a bit too busy to notice,” he said snappily and you pulled away with furrowed brows. “I was just dancing,” you explained and he nodded. “Yeah… I saw,” he grumbled, narrowing his eyes at something over your shoulder and a slight frown fell upon your lips. You let your arms fall from around his neck and grabbed a hold of his hand, tugging him in the direction of the bathrooms. He bit down on his lower lip as you guided him into the surprisingly empty bathroom and locking the door behind him. He continued to watch as you beckoned him forward as you hopped up onto the counter with a grin. “Don’t be jealous babe…you know there’s no one else for me,” you smirked whilst pulling him closer and his arms instantly found your hips and started grinding against you. “Just so you remember that, I am going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for the next few days,” he said huskily.

Ashton: His lips hovered over yours as he panted letting his fingers dig deeper into your thigh as he held you up against the door. “Say it,” he breathed, resting his forehead against yours while he pressed himself into your harder and deeper. “Say I'm better than him,” he nearly growled pressing his lips to yours harshly making a point to nip at your lower lip and pushing a moan up from the back of your throat. “Ashton…” you moaned quietly against his lips with your fingers buried in the back of his hair tugging at it. “Tell me,” he growled, pressing into you harder and you let your head fall back against the wall with a small thud. “(Y/N),” he groaned attaching his lips to the base of your neck, sucking and nibbling at it. “Just you Ash…” you gasped, tightening the grip you had on his hair and forcing a hiss from his lips. Your eyes fell closed as you felt your body start to tremble and you tighten around him, profanities making their way past his lips as his thrusts became out of rhythm.

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