5 Way *Very Dirty*

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**Requested by Bayleigh_Lynn**

You and Calum were in a heated make out in Calum's bedroom and clothes were being thrown all over the place. His lips were in the process of attacking your neck in harsh, needy kisses, occasionally sucking, also meaning there will be a lot of hickey's appearing. You couldn't help but moan nearly all the time and you could feel him smirk, proud that he was making you feel like this.

He started to kiss down your body. From your neck to your chest. Your chest to your stomach. Your stomach to your hips. Then he finally went to the place you were craving him the most. His tongue darted out and started to lick you fast, making sure you were squirming underneath him and moaning his name. Both which you were doing anyway.

“Calum,” you moaned out and trying to hint that you needed him more than ever right now. He grunted in response and sat up, holding his rock hard length in his hand and rubbing against you, teasing you before he finally pressed into you, going fast and hard causing you to scream out his name, and Calum was moaning and grunting.

“Fuck,” you heard someone mutter, but you didn’t think much of it because you thought that it was Calum, but when you felt Calum start to sit up a bit, retracting his length from you, you opened your eyes to find 3 new pair of eyes staring directly at the two of you. You didn’t seem the least bit bothered, but that may be down to how horny you are right now.

Calum looked at you and gave you a questioning look, and you knew what he was silently asking, and you nodded in agreement, making him smile.

“Well? You gonna stand there all day or are you going to join?” Calum asked them in a serious and teasing voice. The three of them looked shocked and then they looked at you expecting you to protest and no, but when they realised you weren’t going to say anything, they quickly stripped of their t-shirts and started to bring down their trousers, leaving them all in their boxers. They already had semi hard ons, just from watching you two, well, most probably just you.

“Okay, so basically you can do anything you want really, just don’t fuck her up the arse, that’s my job,” Calum said and when he said the last bit, he looked at you and winked and you started to blush.

Soon after the three of them agreed, Michael’s lips were attacking yours and he shoved his tongue in straight away, wrestling with yours and you two couldn’t help by release a moan. You felt a mouth being pressed to your breast and they started to lick and suck it, which caused you to moan louder. Then just when you thought it was good, someone started to lick you down there and started to suck on you as well. You were nearly screaming at this point.

“Ashton, move,” you heard Luke’s voice say and soon the licking of the breast and down there stopped, but was soon replaced with someone’s length entering you, making you gasp in surprise.

“Fuck,” you heard someone groan. You pulled away from Michael and Ashton was quick to take his spot, instead of his lips though, his length was right in your face, hinting for you to suck, so you did.

“Wait,” you heard Calum say and everyone pulled away but you whimpered at the loss of contact of everything. “Bay, come here,” he said and he sat on the chair that was there and pulled you so your back was facing him and he guide his length into your behind and let out a scream/ whimper at the sudden stretch. Once he got going, you saw Michael enter you from the front, Luke shoved his length in your mouth and then you took a hold of Ashton’s length, rubbing him, making him moan. All of this was just so much pleasure for you.

After about 5 minutes of doing this, you felt your end coming nearer and nearer with each second and you think they could see because they started to speed up. Soon, you were coming undone, followed by all the boys. Michael pulled out and came all over your stomach. Luke came in your mouth. Ashton came on your hand. And Calum came in you.

Once you had all calmed down, Luke, Ashton and Michael started to put their clothes back on.

“Oh by the way, that was a one-time thing,” Calum announced before they walked out and they all nodded.

“I love you.”

I love you too.”

**Hope you like it! And I am really sorry, but I am not doing any more requested imagines and that is. I will just stick to writing preferences for a while. I am really sorry, but I am getting confused with it all. I will be doing some more in the future, but not right now. I am so, so sorry. But I hope you like this one and the preferences. Comment any other preference ideas you want. I am going to be doing some part 2’s because they were requested ages ago first and then I shall be doing some new ones**

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