#33 Climax

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Luke: He held up against the closet door, your legs wrapped loosely around his waist as your fingers pulling at the ends of his hair as he hungrily kissed over your neck. Once his lips found yours once again, you fought for power. He won as always, taking your lip between his teeth and tugging at it roughly. His hands held onto your thighs tightly as he continued to pleasure you against the door. You cried out into his mouth as he pleased you roughly. Your arms hung over his back reaching for the ends of his shirt. After a few more consistent tugs, he obeyed and pulled his shirt over his head quickly dropping it at his feel. “Luke,” you cried out into his mouth as he pushed you harder against the door. You let your head drop back against the closet door in ecstasy as you tightened around him. His lips attacked your neck, sucking at it vigorously while he moaned at the same time. Your body began to shudder as he entered you harder. Your body slamming harder into the door as he continued pleasing you how you liked him to. His teeth grazed over your skin before he lightly bit down trying to subdue his groan.

Calum: The water continued to beat against your skin as you were laid on the shower floor with Cal’s body pressed against yours. He held your leg up with one hand as he pressed his lips to your messily. Bringing your face up closer, you proceeded to deepen the kiss letting your tongue explore his mouth. He slowed down his pace allowing himself to enter you a bit deeper. Your mouth broke away from his as you let out a low moan, the warm water hitting your face constantly. He let go of your leg, letting it hit the slippery floor. He raised your hips up higher making it easier to enter you slower. You’d been holding out for a while and you didn’t know how much longer you could take of this. You reached forward trying to get a grip of his wet skin, but it was difficult. Calum let out a throaty moan that echoed as he pushed himself into you one final time. He stayed there holding you up as water showered down on the both of you. He stared down at your naked body with a wet smile

Michael: The sound of your breathing was the only thing that was heard throughout the room. Unconsciously you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you. He hovered over you, with his mouth slight;y open. His warm breath showering your face as you gazed up at him. You watched as he bit down roughly on his bottom lip. “Harder,” you whimpered quietly as you felt his hands travel down to your hips. He gripped tightly onto your hips, proceeding to pound you harder. Your whimpers grew louder every time you felt him leave you a little, only to enter harder than before. You let your hands move up from his waist until you reached his hair, tugging at it loosely. He stared intently into your eyes with his lust filled ones. His breath quickening as he continued to move in and out of you as hard as you begged of him. You felt yourself tightening around him making him let out whimpers of his own. “Not yet,” he whispered in between moans. But you couldn’t hold on any longer as you gripped around him tighter. Your breath trapped in your chest as you arched your body upward toward his. His nails dug deeper into your skin as you felt his body tremble lightly before it came crashing down on top of you. You laid there underneath him light headed as you continued to rake your fingers through his slightly damp hair.

Ashton: He stared up at you, his eyes filled with desire as you straddled his waist. You were having difficulty keeping your eyes open, so you let them flutter shut. Your body moved in sync with his as you rested your hands on his sweat covered chest to keep yourself up. You fought back the moans that were desperately trying to escape your lips. “Look at me,” he whispered in a strained voice. His hands sat lazily on your waist moving with the motions of your body. “[Y/N],” he moaned softly making you open your eyes a little to stare down at him as your breath hitched. “Keep them open,” he demanded as you nodded slowly and bored your eyes into his. His hands slid up and down in a continuous motion, each time his hands getting closer to your breast. You leaned forward your lips lingering right over his as you felt his breath hit your lips. Growing tired of waiting he leaned up capturing your lips with his. His tongue battled with yours for dominance and in the end succeeded. His hands fell from your waist onto your bottom as he clutched onto it tightly. Your bodies moved quicker together as he let out a throaty groan into your mouth. He pulled away from the kiss pressing his forehead to yours as he breathing continued to quicken. His grip on your bottom tightened as reached his mark.

 **Hiiiiii! Just want to say a massive thank you to all of you who are reading this and voting! There is nearly 36K reads and 700 votes! Can't believe it! Love you all! Sorry for slow updates though, I am really busy at the moment. And if you have requested an imagine, I am trying to do them as fast as I can. Sorry for the wait!**

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