#77 Green Light - Song Pref

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Heyy! I had done this one a while ago, and I thought I might as well post it! If you want me to do certain 5SOS song Pref then comment which one down in the comments and I will do it for you!

Luke: 'It started with a picture, those messages you sent to me. You're like the perfect mixture, of Megan Fox and Katy P'

You and Luke had been friends for a while and you two were always talking and texting whenever you could. You weren't really that close, but you would always end up being with each other somehow. One day, you had gotten really bored at your house whilst your parents were away on holiday, so you had the whole house to yourself for about 2 weeks. You were laying on your bed in just your bra and underwear and you just happen to be texting Luke as well at that point. You were getting a bit flirty between the two of you and you decided to tease him slightly, mentioning how you were sitting in just your underwear. He instantly text back saying you were lying, so, to prove that you were telling the truth, you took a picture and sent it, soon thinking you shouldn't have done that, but it was too late. However, he quickly sent a text that said 'You weren't lying! Damn! You're like a perfect mixture of Megan Fox and Katy P! (Y/N) You are beautiful!' and soon it was followed by a picture message of him with his dick out, which was noticeable red and hard, and a caption that read 'This is what you do to me ;)'

Calum: 'It's such a sick obsession, and now you've got the best of me. I've got the worst intentions, so call me over and set me free. I can give you what you want.'

It all started at a party a couple months ago. You and Calum just happened to be at the same party. You weren't exactly friends but you knew of each other, but that was to the extent of your friendship. You were hanging with a group of your friends who were all dancing on the dance floor, and you suddenly felt hands that were placed on your waist, following your lead as you swung your hips from side to side. Before you could turn around to tell the person to get off you heard his voice in your ear. "You know, you have a nice body," Calum whispered in your ear. You smirked and decided to tease him by pushing your bum harder into his groin which earned a grunt in your ear. Soon after, you two went to find a room and you ended up having the best sex you had ever had. After that night, Calum couldn't keep away from you and you very quickly became friends with benefits because you were his obsession. It might sound sick, but he didn't care. He is always trying to get you and whenever he is frustrated, he always ends up trying to get you to call him over, so you could set him free of all of it. However, he will always make sure you are taken care of every time.

Michael: 'All you gotta do is tell me right now, you want me right now, come on. Give me the green light. We could have all night, if you just say the word. Tell me it's alright, give me the green light.'

You and Michael had been dating for nearly 10 months now, and you still hadn't done the deed between you two. It was down to you though, because you were still a virgin. You knew Michael wanted to have sex, he would always hint at it, even if it wasn't on purpose. You felt bad because you wanted to do it, but you were just worried, thoughts kept running through your mind, putting you off each time. One day, you confronted Michael about this, apologising how you keep making him wait and you spoke of why you were worrying and he instantly started reassuring you. He said, "I know you're a virgin, and you know I respect that you for waiting. Just know that I am going to be right here, ready for when you are, trust me, and when you are ready, we could have all night, and I promise I will make sure every minute of it is worth it for you. Just tell me it's alright and I will be there," and that made you a thousand times more comfortable with doing. "I'm ready," you said and you saw his face instantly light up. "Are you serious? Are you sure? Don't say it just because you feel you have too," he rambled on as he cupped your cheeks with his hands and staring into your eyes. "I am serious," you told him and his lips were instantly on yours, keeping his promise all night long.

Ashton: 'You got me where you want me, I'm hanging on your every word. It's such a twisted story, how you got me, now you got me.' 

You were out at the beach with your friends, who then brought another bunch of their friends each, turning it into a sort of beach party, and honestly you were having the best time. Someone even bought alcohol, and all of you were instantly getting drunk. You weren't necessarily drunk, but you were tipsy and you were sitting down on the sand, a little bit away from the massive group of teenagers/ adults. "What's a pretty girl like you doing on her own?" you heard someone beside you say. You looked up and noticed it was one of the boys your friend invited. "What's it to you?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in question. "Other than I find you beautiful?" he smirked and you playfully rolled your eyes. Ashton sat down beside you and got talking, and he was listening intently to every word you said. You couldn't help but admire his body that was in front of you and decided to tease him every which way you could. He felt like he was getting hypnotised by what you were doing and he knew it was wrong but he gave into it and before you two knew it, you were heading back to his place, knowing that you had now got Ashton in the palm of your hand.

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