#63 She Looks So Perfect - Song Pref

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**MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I know it's not a Christmas themed preference, but I hope you like none the less. I will try to do a New Years one of I have the time. I hope all of you had a brilliant Christmas and got most of what you wanted. There was only 2 things on my list I didn't get but I am so happy. I got a new iPod and an Ashton Irwin baseball tshirt, Livesos and quite a few more bits and bobs, mainly 5SOS! I was so happy! Anyways, enough of me talking, enjoy this preference!**


"You're lipstick stain is a work of art"

You and Luke were at his house just relaxing. Well, you were until Luke started kissing your neck and initiating a full on make out session between the two of you. Soon, Luke started carrying you to his bedroom and laid you down on the bed. The next morning, Luke woke up before you and decided to leave you to sleep and he got up and walked downstairs. He noticed the other 3 boys sitting in the kitchen, eating cereal. "Well, looks like our innocent little Lukey wasn't so innocent last night," Calum teased with a wink. "What are you on about?" Luke asked, confused. Luke walked over to the mirror that was in the mirror and he discovered what he Calum was on about. Your lipstick was all over his face, jaw and neck. Luke just stood there and cockily smiling at your art work.


"Would you want to run away too? 'Cause all I really want it you." (This is being set as if he wasn't in the band.

"We could go anywhere we want. See anything we want to see. Spend the rest of our lives together (Y/N). We can do anything," Calum said whilst grabbing your hands and intertwining his fingers with yours and staring deeply into your eyes. "We can stay by the beach, like you have always wanted. Take moonlit walks along the beach, just us two," he told you, whilst pulling you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you. "On one condition," you said, looking up at him. "We have to get a dog," you smirked because you two have always wanted to get a dog as a couple and now you have the chance. "Yes (Y/N), we can get a dog, or maybe two. Any breed you want," he answered with a smile. "I have always loved the thought of running away," Calum mumbled. "I have always wanted to run away too. Now, I get to that with the one I love," you said to him, kissing him on the lips. "(Y/N), all I will ever want is to be with you."


"She looks so perfect standing there, in my American apparel underwear" (His POV)

I was arriving home earlier than planned because management gave us a few days off, but (Y/N) had no idea and I was planning on surprising her. Me and the boys got off the plane and gave each other a hug and departed ways, then I made my way to (Y/N). As I pulled up in the driveway and walked through the door, I was started to think that maybe she wasn't home because I couldn't hear anything. As I started making my way up the stairs and to our bedroom, I started to hear music. I pushed the door open a bit and peered through. (Y/N) was in the middle of the room, back turned to me, and she was dancing to the music in my... underwear. My American Apparel ones. I never really liked them to be honest but seeing her in them, made them look good. "Surprise," I said loudly enough to be heard over the music. She whipped round and saw, resulting in her running over to me and crushing me in a hug. "Mikey! You're home early," she said and I smiled at her. "Yeah, we got told to go home. Also, why are you in my underwear?" I asked her and her cheeks blushed pink. "They are comfortable," she sheepishly said. "Heyy, don't be embarrassed. You look perfect in them."


"I've Got you're ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor"

You and Ashton were lying in bed in each other's arms, both of you now awake and just enjoying each other's company. You two had a pretty rough night last night because it was just you two in the house, so you thought that would be the best time to have your quality time. You felt sore and you were pretty sure you were going to have bruises nearly everywhere, but you didn't care. Last night was probably the best nights ever. "HEYY LOVE BIRDS!" we heard someone, *cough* Luke *cough*, shout from the other side of the door. "Fuck off!" Ashton shouted back, pulling you further to his chest. "Well, we were just checking if (Y/N) would like her skinny jeans back," Michael said. "Well, we don't know if she will, because they are a bit ripped where I am sure jeans aren't normally ripped," Calum said. "Sooo..." Luke dragged on. "What did you two get up to last night?" all three of them asked. I groaned and his my face in Ashton's chest. "Fuck off, you guys!" Ashton shouted. "Don't worry (Y/N), it was worth it," he winked, "I will buy you a new pair."

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