#40 7 Minutes In Heaven

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Luke: A nervous chuckle made its way past your lips as his body grew closer to yours, nearly eliminating all remaining space between you two. Raising his hand he pulled on the light switch, filling the closet with a dimmed yellow light, his eyes flicked down to your now blushing face. "What's wrong?" he asked softly and you shook your head quickly. "N-nothing's wrong," You stuttered sending your hand through your hair as you stared up at him. "You thought I was going to kiss you right?" he asked a small smile playing at his lips. "What? O-of course not," you fumbled tugging at the hem of your shirt and he shook his head. "I thought about it, but I figured you wouldn't want me to kiss you..." he confessed, shrugging his shoulders and rubbing the back of his neck. "That's crazy. Why wouldn't I want you to kiss me?" you asked, a smile making its way to your nervous lips as his eyebrows rose. Taking a step closer, he used his fingers to tilt your chin up towards him, "So you wouldn't mind if I did then? Because I've always wanted to know if your lips were as soft as they looked..." he whispered as his lips lingered over yours. "I-I won't mind," you whispered back, your breath hitting his lips before he leaned down his lips lightly brushing against yours.

Calum: His fingers brushed across your exposed stomach causing you to let out more fits of laughter. "Please stop," you yelled out in between laughs with your eyes filled with tears. With a shake of his head he continued tickling you as he straddled you on the closet floor. "Say it and I'll stop," he bribed you, a smile stuck on his lips as he stared down at your laughing figure. "Okay, okay. Calum is the sexiest Australian-New Zealand man I've ever met," you shouted through your hysterics. He pulled his hands away, placing them beside your head. "That wasn't so hard, was it (Y/N)?" he asked, leaning forward and you rolled your eyes. He lowered his face, getting closer to yours. His lips brushed across yours lightly. Pulling away, he stared down at you for a moment going over what he'd just done before pressing his lips back onto yours for longer. Removing his lips from yours he continued hovering over your, his lip between his teeth. "This is alright, right?" he asked quietly and you nodded a small giggle slipping through your lips as you leaned up pressing your lips to his quickly. "It's more than alright Calum," you said smiling a small smile up at him.

Michael: Rolling your eyes, you sat down on the closet floor with your arms folded across your chest. "So I'm guessing you're not going to kiss me," he said a hint of laughter in his voice as he took a seat beside you and you scoffed, scooting away from him. "You still hate me huh?" he asked a small chuckle making its way past his lips as he shook his head. "What do you think Clifford?" you said narrowing your eyes at him. After sitting in silence for a few seconds he cleared his throat, scooting closer to you, "I never hated you..." he mumbled staring down into his hands, your eyes trailed over to his face that held a serious expression as he continued staring into his hands. "It was quite the opposite actually (Y/N). I mean the first time I even met you, you just didn't seem to like me so I just went along with it. I always wondered what I did to make you hate me so much..." his voice trailed off as he let his head fall back against the wall gently. "I really liked you. Actually, I still do," he mumbled allowing his eyes to shut as he finally had gotten it off his chest. Unconsciously your hand slipping into his forcing his eyes to pry open and he stared at you with bewilderment in his eyes. "What-" he started and you shook your head. "Just be quiet Clifford..." you said playfully narrowing your eyes at him and he shot you a small smile, letting his eyes close once more and rested his head back on the wall.

Ashton: "Quite awkward isn't it?" he asked once the closet door had been shut and he had taken a seat on the ground. "Being locked in the closet with your ex boyfriend for 7 minutes must be torture," he mumbled, a smile playing on his lips as he stared up at your irritated facial expression. "Tell me about it," you mumbled, taking a seat on the opposite side and he let out a small chuckle with a shake of his head. "Oh come on, love...you used to like being locked away with me," he said smiling over at you and you rolled your eyes letting your head lightly fall back against the wall. "Shut up Ash," you muttered shutting your eyes and trying to block him out. "What even happened with us?" he asked softly as he bit down on the corner of his lip as he stared over at you. "We kind of just gave up instead of you know- trying to make things better," he said quietly fiddling with his fingers. "I miss you, and I don't even know why I do, but I just do," he whispered, sadness filling his eyes. "I-I miss you too sometimes," you mumbled back your lips falling into a frown. "Then why don't we start again? One last time, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Deal?" Ashton said to you. "Deal," you answered back and you both leaned to give each other a kiss, the sparks still there.

**heres another one!!!! How's everyone liking the Amnesia video?? I can't buy the single till I get back home and that's not till another week!! Torture!!!**

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