#27 Teasing

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Luke: “You’re not going to move this time right?” He asked lightly touching your bare body with his fingertips as he stared at you intently. You bit down on your tongue and nodded slowly. He let his fingers rake across your body slowly, not touching any of the sensitive spots and it was driving you a mad. You let out a pleased moan giving him the approval he was waiting for. “Should I stop?” He asked in a teasing tone and your eyes shot open whilst staring back at him. “Please don’t.” You whimpered as you felt his fingers dance slowly all over your body. You reached to pull him closer to you, only to have him move away. “Uh-uh now [Y/N] I'm only allowed to do the touching.” He said smiling down at you as you let out a low moan in frustration.


Calum: Letting his tongue trail down your stomach he made sure not to take his eyes off of your face as you laid there with your eyes closed biting down hard on your bottom lip. You squirmed as his tongue inched closer and closer to your core making him smile in response. Just before he reached the destination he brought his tongue back up abandoning the area all together and planting his lips onto your. “Untie me Calum.” You whispered against his lips making him let out a small chuckle. “Only when I'm ready.” He said trailing his fingers down your body until he softly touched your core making you moan into his mouth.


Michael: “Stop moving.” He demanded through gritted teeth as he held down your hips. He grinded his body into yours slowly forcing you to let out a low moan. You felt his hardened length pressed up against your core as he continued to grind into you. You tried bucking your hips upward toward him, but he used his hands to hold them down firmly onto the bed. He lowered his lips closer to your ears taking your earlobe between his teeth. “If you keep doing that, I just might have to fuck you, [Y/N].” He whispered in a rugged voice. “Stop teasing me.” You lowly growled only satisfying him even more that he was doing a good job.


Ashton: You sat up as high as the restraints would allow you. Ashton had you handcuffed to the headboard. He trailed an ice cube on the inside of your thigh. “Babe, it’s cold.” You said flinching every time he got closer to your centre. “Don’t worry, Princess. It’ll get warm in here soon enough.” He murmured as he pressed his lips to your inner thigh causing you to moan out. You let your eyes flutter closed as you felt his lips move further up your inner thigh. You no longer felt the ice on your skin only his lips. “Ashton.” You moaned softly as you felt his lips meet your centre. He couldn’t help but smile against you. “Can you feel it getting warmer yet?” He asked against you letting his cool breath hit you.

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