#43 He Catches You Cheating

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Michael: Tiredly making his way up the stairs to your room, he let out a yawn stretching out is arms. He pushed the door open exposing you lying in the bed with your head rested on another man's bare chest. His jaw clenched as he felt his hand tightening into a fist. You stared at him in pure shock opening your mouth to begin talking, "You know what (Y/N)? Don't even try to explain yourself right now. Just get your friend whoever the fuck he is and get out of my bed and out of my house. I'm tired. So just make it fast," Michael said pinching the bridge of his nose as he let out a deep breath. He backed out of the room and headed straight into the spare room, slamming it shut, harder than he needed and locking it in the process. He paced back and forth in front of the bed as he heard a pair of feet scurrying past and down the stairs. "I can't believe she would fucking do this to me after all we've been through..." he mumbled to himself as he felt his eyes welling up. "She fed me all this bullshit about her loving me..." he said quietly, bringing his hands over his face and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Michael...Michael I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. It just-" you sobbed leaning against the door. "Just go (Y/N) I don't care what you have to say. Just leave me alone yeah?" he wiped at his eyes letting his eyes trail over to the door. "Don't come back. Go stay with that guy your sleeping with," he grumbled allowing his head to fall back against the bed.

Calum: He watched as your lips met with someone else's and he let his eyes shut. "Mate, let's go," Luke said softly, taking a hold of his arm and trying to get him to move, but it wasn't working. Calum pulled his arm out of his grip and made his way over to where you sat. He pulled the man off you and shoving him aside, "Happy birthday..." Calum grumbled shaking his head at you as a pained look came upon his face. "Calum. Um, what are you doing here?" you asked staring up at him with widened eyes, you brought your hand up to lips wiping at them. "I came home to be with you for your birthday. I wanted to surprise you. Surprise," he breathed out as he let his eyes glance between you and the man you were just kissing. "I think I'm the most surprised of us all don't you think?" he asked shoving his hands in his pockets, his fingers bumping into the small box he had prepared to give you. Instantly his eyes welled up as he fiddled with the box a little. "I hope you have a great birthday. I obviously wasted my time coming back home," he muttered walking away from you and heading back over to Luke who engulfed him into a hug. "I know it hurts mate. Let's get out of here," he frowned as his eyes trailed over to you. "I-I was going to ask her to marry me," he said quietly.

Ashton: He bit down on his lip as he watched you dancing with another guy, "She's just dancing," he mumbled to himself, his eyes burning a hole into your back. He felt a hand come down on his shoulder and he broke his intense stare at you and glanced over his shoulder at Michael. "You're not going to go over there and stop this?" Michael asked a concerned look on his face and Ashton shook his head. "She's just dancing," he repeated quietly. "No she's not. Look," Michael told him and Ashton let his eyes trail back over to where you were and he noticed your lips attached to the man you were dancing with. "Let's just go," Ashton sighed slipping his jacket back over his shoulders and he headed in your direction toward the exit. The crowdedness of the club made it difficult and he ended up bumping into you, you pulled away from the kiss ready to bitch at whoever had bumped into you, only to be staring up into a pair of green-hazel eyes you knew belonged to only one person. "Ashton," you said softly, your eyes darting between him and the guy. "Don't worry (Y/N). We're over anyway," Ashton said, a frown upon his lips. "Ashton," you repeated reaching for his hand and he shrugged it off, his eyes trained on the boy you were kissing. "I'd watch out for her. She's good at toying with people's hearts," he said quietly his eyes making their way back to you. "Bye (Y/N)," his voice trailed off as he made his way to the exit.

Luke: Pulling the guy that was positioned in between your legs off you, he swung his fist, connecting it with the chap's cheek. "Get the fuck out," he said angrily to the guy who hurriedly pulled on his clothes and rushed out the room. "Princess," he said under his breath as you held the blanket up to your bare chest. "How could you? You even did it in our bed. Our bed babe," he finished sadly as he ran his hand over his face. "Luke I'm sorry..." you said with your heart racing as you brought your knees up to your bare chest. "I'm so sorry," you continued and he shook his head, raising his hand up for you to stop. "Why would you do this? I-I loved you," he said frowning down at you. You stayed quiet not really knowing what the right thing to say at the moment was. "You- I can't do this right now," he stammered, his hand shooting through his hair. "I-I'd like to say we can talk about this later, but there's nothing to talk about," he frowned as he backed up out of the room. "You can keep the flat. I really don't see myself staying here after tonight," he said, his eyes welling up with tears. "I really want to be angry with you, but I love you too much baby. I'm hurt you'd actually do this to me."

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