#25 You Introduce Him To Your Friends

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Luke: “Okay so what’s the short one’s name again?” He whispered into your ear while you stood beside a group of your friends. “Babe, all my friends are short except for [Y/BF/N]. So please be more specific.” You said giggling. You weren’t nervous about introducing him to your friends, mainly because in a way they were similar to the guys so you knew he’d like them and vice versa. “I'm hurt you forgot our names already. It’s been what 5 minutes and you haven’t even begun drinking. So you have no excuse.” [Y/BF/N] said sliding over a pint to him and the whole night all of your friends were left getting to know more about Luke.

Calum: You looked on as Cal and [Y/BF/N] were engrossed in a conversation about you. Whenever you tried jumping into the conversation a hand was raised signalling you to stop. You watched the conversation turn into a game to see which one of them knew you better. To say the least it was quite amusing since Calum was keeping up with your best friend pretty easily on their facts about you. “You’ve passed the test. Bring it in. Group hug.” [Y/BF/N] said loudly motioning with her hands for the both of you to hug her. “We’ve got a keeper here.” She said patting him lightly on the back as she smiled over at you. So basically, you’re friend definitely approved of your choice.

Michael: You figured since both Michael and [Y/BF/N] were both big eaters taking them out to eat for the first meeting would be a great idea. WRONG. “I bet I can eat more than you.” [Y/BF/N] said glaring slightly at Michael from across the table. He scuffed rolling his eyes. “Challenge accepted.” He said shovelling food into his mouth and her mirroring him. You sat back with an amused look on your face because you were actually really curious of who might win. Once they were done the arguing began. “I won.” Both of them said at the same time then scuffing. “Tsk, not a chance. I beat you.” [Y/BF/N] said crossing her arms over her chest. “Baby, I won right?” He asked placing his hand on your knee. You then realized you couldn’t choose and this would be an ongoing thing between the both of them. “You both did great.” You said sheepishly. That then started the many, many food wars that were bound to happen.

Ashton: “So you’re the curly headed freak who’s stolen my best friend?” [Y/BF/N] said with her hands on her hips as she stared Ashton down. He shot her a goofy smile and nodded, releasing his cute giggle, extending his hand to her. “I promise to return her more often.” He said making her nod in return. “You better, Irwin…or else I'm gunna hunt you down and do some damage.” She said facing you with a grin. “Well this went better than I expected.” He said draping his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him smiling over at your best friend.

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