#70 Everything I Didn't Say - Song Pref (His POV)

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All his POV!

Luke: "I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn’t, show you what you're really worth." 

I was currently laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling thinking about what went wrong and what didn't go wrong. This is what I have been doing for the past 2 weeks. My band mates are getting worried about me because I refuse to do anything. I have tried to rehearse with them, but I would keep zoning out, or end up crying whilst singing a song because it would end up reminding me of her. Her, being (Y/N). The girl I loved. The girl I still love. We broke up about 2 weeks ago, hence why I have been like this for the past two weeks. The reason we broke up, was the worst. It was all me. It was all my fault and it wasn't till it was too late that I realised that. It was all my fault because I didn't pay attention to her enough. I was always busy with touring and writing and recording music for our fans. I guess I got too caught up in it and (Y/N) started getting annoyed with it. She finally told me and we got into a fight about it, because I thought she was wrong. It wasn't until she slammed the door that everything sunk in. It was true. I didn't show the attention that she deserved and how much she is worth to me. There's no point in me trying to say anything now because 1. She doesn’t want to talk to me and 2. I have seen her hanging a lot with another guy and I am 100% sure that he is not family. I just wish I could rewind back to before it all went wrong, to make it better.

Calum: "I wish I could have made you stay, and I’m the only one to blame. I know it’s a little too late, this is everything I didn’t say"

I was currently sitting in the dressing room of the arena we were meant to be playing tonight. We still had another few hours yet, but we had to get here early for sound check. I am actually quite surprised that I managed to pull myself out of my bed and come down here. All the other boys are doing sound checks but I can't. I can't move. Once I sat down on this chair when I walked in, I haven't moved. I have been staring at the wall in front of me, thinking about last night. Me and (Y/N). How it all went wrong. I know everyone says that couples fight and having fights are normal and they are healthy for a relationship, but that isn't the case for me. Me and (Y/N) got into a fight yesterday and it got pretty bad. Soon enough, she had enough of me and she started literally yelling in my face and soon walked out of the door. I just stared at the spot she stood a few seconds ago, wishing I would've said something. Anything. To make her stay. It's all my fault. It's too late now, I just wish I would have said something.

Michael: "Wake me up now, and tell me this is all a bad dream. All the songs that I wrote, all the wrongs that I hoped would erase from your memory."

I had just got home from another day of recording in the studio with the boys and I walked into mine and (Y/N)'s apartment tiredly. I walked into the front room, seeing no one there. I thought that was a bit odd because (Y/N) is always there to welcome me home. Even if it means for her sleeping on the couch, she would always wait for me. Maybe she was too tired to wait? I dropped my guitar and my bag on the couch and trudged into the kitchen. I got myself one slice of cold pizza that was in the fridge and ate it. After I had finished eating it, I made my way up stairs, looking forward to cuddling with (Y/N). That is always the highlight of when I come home. Cuddling with my favourite person in the world. When I got to the bedroom door, I slowly pushed it open, thinking (Y/N) was still asleep. However, when I walked in, I saw that there was no one in the bed. I walked over and looked at the bed confused but then I saw a note on the pillow from (Y/N). It was her handwriting. I read it and felt tears spilling out of my eyes. She was basically saying how she couldn't do this anymore. The hate. And me. I was always thinking of myself and not much of her. I didn't know I was doing this or that she felt like this. This seems like a bad dream. I really want to be able to change it. All the songs that I wrote for her, old and new. I can't change anything now. I really hope I will wake up tomorrow and it will all be okay. But I knew it wouldn't be. 

Ashton: "Holding onto a broken and empty heart. Flowers I should’ve bought, all the hours I lost. Wish I could bring it back to the start."

When I asked (Y/N) to become my girlfriend a few months ago, I was honestly one of the happiest men on earth. I had loved her for about a year and I was just glad that she like me back. But now? Well, at this moment in time, I was in my bedroom in the hotel we were staying at, face down on my bed, crying my eyes out. It had been a few days since she broke up with me. When we got together I made a promise to always make time for her whenever I could and make her feel loved and that. Well... I soon broke that promise. The worst thing is that I didn't even realise I had broken it. I was touring a lot lately and doing interviews and that, and she understood that I found it hard to make time. However, after a while, she got fed up. She said something that made me realise that I wasn't paying attention to her as much as I had promised. I would always make time for my family and some friends, but I wouldn't for her. I wasn't doing any of this on purpose though. I know that's not excuse. I just wish that I could have the opportunity to go back to the start of our relationship, when we were both happy and together. I would treat her like how she deserves. Bring her flowers and make sure I give her all of my attention whenever I can, even when I am not supposed to. Not how it is now. My breaking my promises. Me with a broken heart. Her crying on the phone when she broke up with me. I just want to be able to have a second chance.

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