#54 You Accidentally Injure Him In The Balls

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**I realise I did a mistake with the Luke/ Ashton one but if you go right to the end, Ashton's one will be there**

Luke: You were trying to prove yourself right in a disagreement, but Luke wasn't having any of it. He looked at you with a playful glare and before you could react and move, he was on top of you and was tickling you, but soon it all turned into play fighting. You’re rolling around on the ground and, Luke always ending back on top of you. To protect yourself you brought up your knees to try and block yourself more, but as you did that, you heard a groan and then Luke fell off of you. You looked at him and his face was contorted in pain and you saw him clutching his gentlemen area and then it all clicked. You had just kneed him in the balls!

Calum: Calum took it upon him to try and teach you to play baseball. You had never tried it before in your life, so you were eager to try and learn to play it. You were in Cal's back garden and he was getting you to throw the balls towards him so he could show how it was done. After a few throws and demonstrations and descriptive instructions of what he was doing, it was your turn to bat. Cal stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and grabbed the bat, putting his hands over yours and guiding your arm back and swung it round. He walked over to where you left the ball and he threw it to you but you missed. You tried again but no luck. On the third go, you tried to remember how Cal done it. When he threw the ball, you swung the bat and you felt the ball bounce off the bat. You were too busy jumping around to notice what actually happened. You were pulled out of your happiness by a groan. You looked at Cal and he was on the ground grabbing his balls. It was then that you realised the first time to hit a ball, you hit Cal in the balls as well.

Michael: You were always known as a person to fidget a lot in their sleep and that, so you try your hardest not to do it as much when you are sharing a bed with Mikey. One night you were in a really deep sleep and you didn't try to stop yourself from fidgeting or anything. You were having a dream where you were running from something but you weren't quite sure what exactly you were running from. You got to a cliff and you felt like you were falling, not just in the dream, but in real life as well. You jumped awake and looked to your right to see Michael hunched over, holding his lower regions, his face scrunched up in pain. It was then that you realised that, when you jumped, you must have kicked him in the balls. You kissed him on the lips, hoping to take the pain away and let's just say the pain was soon completely forgotten.

Luke (Was meant to be Ashton): You were round Luke's house, spending some time with him and his family. You were sitting in one of the lounge chairs in the garden whilst Luke was playing football (soccer for you Americans) with Ben and Jack, even though most of the time, Ben and Jack were too busy physically tackling him. He kept whining to me, trying to get me to do something but you don't know what he expects you to do. Soon, he managed to persuade you to join them. Luke was standing in goal and he told me to try and score a goal so you did. You kicked the ball as hard you could, trying to aim as well, but you found out you don't have good aim at all. You watched as the ball flew and hit Luke in the genitals. You gasped and ran over to him, making sure he is alright. Luke made sure not to be on the receiving end of the ball from you after that incident again. 

**I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven’t posted in a while L I have been busy and that with school, my birthday, my best friend’s birthday, Christmas etc… Plus I am going to the Jingle Bell Ball on Sunday!!!!! That means I am seeing 5SOS!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!! I most looking forward to seeing them and my Eddy Ed!! :D Once again I am sorry I haven’t posted. Hope you like this one!!!!**


I got distracted and did two Luke ones instead of doing an Ashton one. I am sooooo sorry! So here it is!

Ashton: You were staying round the boy’s apartment because you came to visit them on tour and you were all just sitting around, talking and watching movies the whole day. You were more excited because you were spending more time with Ashton who was in fact your boyfriend. When you found out that Ashton had bought you a plane ticket to come visit him you were so excited. Half way during one of the movies that was on, you decided you wanted to get a drink. You went to get up from your comfy position next to Ashton, but strong arms pulled you back down and you landed on Ashton's lap. However, He really didn't pay attention to how hard he was pulling you down because next thing you know he is shoving you off and groaning in pain. The other boys were laughing at his stupidity whilst you just sat there, looking at him with a look that said 'that was all your fault.'

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