Luke Imagine *Dirty*

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**Requested by Moonlover13**

You were touring with your band in stadiums with the 4 Australian boys who are a part of the band called 5 Seconds of Summer. You were all really great friends and you all instantly got along because you all had similar personalities as the boys. The one boy, however, you were closest with was none other than Luke Hemmings. You don't know how but you two instantly clicked and got along the lost out of everyone. Both of your fandoms ship you two together but you aren't actually together, plus, you have had a slight crush on him for a while now so that didn't help.

You were in LA at the moment because this was where your next show was going to be. You were in the boys hotel room because they got a bigger one than you, so you decided to all hang in that one. What surprised you was that you heard knocking on the door to the room. Ashton got up and let whoever it was in and you were shocked to see the boys One Direction walking in. You hadn't actually met them yet, so this was your first time. You and your band mates jumped up and went straight to the boys and started talking to them. You have to admit, you were being flirty a bit with them and so were the other girls.

The 5SOS boys were watching you lot with amused eyes. Well, all expect Luke. He was paying close attention to you and what exactly doing. The way you would smile and laugh at what one of the boys said and the way you would hit their shoulder playfully. There was no doubt about it. Luke was jealous. 

When you were in the middle of a conversation with Harry that was when Luke couldn't take it anymore. All of a sudden a strong grip was on your arms and was pulling you out of that hotel room and into your one. When the door was closed, you were instantly pushed up against it, trapped between two toned arms placed on the door, either side of your head.

"You think I didn't notice you flirting with them other boys? You think I didn't see you laughing and smiling at them, making me jealous," Luke said with a deep voice, his accent thicker and his eyes dark with lust. 

His lips were soon yours and he didn't waste any time on shoving his tongue down your throat. Your hands worked their way up to the back of his hair, pulling the ends, making him moan into the kiss you were still sharing. 

"God, I need you Isabella," he breathed whilst pulling away, looking into your eyes. 

"Then take me Luke," you whispered in his ear, as you placed a kiss on his neck.

He made you jump and wrap your legs wrap around your waist and then he carried you towards the bed and laid you down on the mattress. Both of your clothes were soon scattered around the room and Luke was admiring you.

"You don't know how long I have waited to be able to this Isabella. I love you and I mean that as more than a best friend," Luke said and then placed a passionate kiss on your lips.

"Luke, I feel the same way. I love you too. I always have," you said back to him whilst breaking the kiss. 

You took all your strength and flipped the both of you over so you were now on top, looking down at him, your hands placed on his toned chest, keeping you up for support. 

You took hold of his length that was standing proud underneath you and lined it up for where you both wanted most. When you started to put it in, you both let out a moan at the feeling of the two of you connecting. 

"You're so tight," Luke moaned as his grip on your waist tightened.

You started to roll your hips back and forth, making continuous moans and groans come from both of your mouths. Luke decided to take control so he held your hips up and thrusted into you, with you still on top. His pace getting faster and faster. You couldn't help but release a few screams at the pleasure.

You felt the knot in your stomach and you knew what it meant and your walls tightened around Luke's length, causing him to groan louder than before. Before you knew it, you were both falling apart at the same time. You collapsed on his chest as he stroked the back of your head. 

"I love you Isabella. Will you do me the honour of becoming my beautiful girlfriend?" he asked you and you looked up at him, your cheeks going red. 

"I would love to," you answered him and gave him a peck on the lips.

You then heard cheering from the other side of the hotel room. Great.

"We definitely won't hear the end of this..." Luke said and you both released a laugh.

**Hope you like it!!**

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