#19 He's In An Interview

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Luke: You were at home, which was the house you shared with your boyfriend of 2 and a half years. You were really bored so you were sitting there flipping through the channels on the TV and then Luke walked in and sat next you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you in close. You smiled and breathed his scent in deeply. You continued to flip through the channels and then stopped on a celebrity gossip channel. "Next up, we have a short interview we did the other day with none other than Mr. Luke Hemmings," the reporter said and then they changed screening onto the clip of the interview with Luke on. You looked up at him and smiled and returned to watch the TV. "So Luke, how are you and (Y/N) doing? Still going strong?" The reporter asked him. He smiled a bright smile and answered, "Yes we are still going strong and we always will do." They spoke a bit more and then the reporter asked, "So when are you proposing?" This caught your attention and you sat up and looked at the screen intensively. "Hopefully, soon," Luke answered with a blush creeping on his cheeks and then the interview clip cut out. You looked back at Luke and saw him smiling a shy smile. Without waiting another second, you quickly leaned in, arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss.

Calum: You were taking a drive around London because you were on your own because Calum was off doing an interview. There was a lot of traffic so you decided to turn on the radio to pass the time. You were heading to the centre of London to go shopping and treat yourself. When you pulled up to a parking spot about 30-45 minutes later, the radio was still on and just as you were about to turn it off, you heard the radio DJ say, "Now, we have a special guest. He is 1/4 of the world dominating band. It's Calum Hood! How are you today Calum?" When you heard your boyfriend’s name, your ears perked up and you just sat in the car, listening to the radio now. "Hello, and I'm good thank you, you?" Calum politely replied to the DJ. "Now you have a new single coming out soon and it is one of the songs of your new album. Can you tell us anything about it? What we can expect from the video?" He asked Calum and he answered. They spoke for a while and then one question caught my attention. "So Calum, how is yours and (Y/N)'s relationship going?" The DJ asked him. I heard Calum release his cute little laugh he does whenever someone brings us up. "We are doing extremely well. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. I honestly couldn't have. I love her so much."

Michael: Your best friend, who happens to be THE Michael Clifford, had an interview today with a random reporter, and he asked you to come along and keep him company. When you got there, there was 2 chairs set up in front of the camera and then there were about 5 people behind camera. Michael got instructed to sit on the chair on the right and the reporter got told to sit in the left one. When there were all sorted, they got started and started with the questions. "So Michael, got your eye on anyone?" The reporter asked him and I saw his cheeks turn a shade of pink. "I have to admit, I have. I have for a long while now," he answered truthfully and you swear you saw him glance at you quickly. Secretly you were hoping it was you because you had a huge crush on your best friend. When the interview had finished, you walked to the car and got in, along with Michael. "Mikey? Who do you have your eye on?" You asked him randomly, but didn't look at him, instead you looked out the window to look at the trees zooming by. "I ummm..." He stuttered, trying to think of what to say. He took a deep breath and said "it's you (Y/N)"

Ashton: You were sitting at home in the living room, watching the TV on a random programme that was on and you couldn't be bothered to change the channel. After a while you heard a women’s voice say, "So today, we are joined with the world dominating band, 5 Seconds of Summer, or as all the fans call them, 5SOS!" and on cue, the 4 boys walked onto the set and sat down on the couch. The interviewer got down to business and started asking questions, some that the fans asked as well. You saw that Ashton had his phone on him and the interviewer had her attention on Luke at the moment so you got your phone and started texting Ash, saying that you were watching. You hit send and saw that Ashton's expression turned into a confused look as he reached to get his phone and looked at it. He then looked up at the camera and smiled, obviously smiling to you, happy that you were watching. You text him the whole way through, just when you thought you were getting away with all of it, the interview asked, "So Aston, who you texting there? Is it (Y/N) by any chance?" You saw Ashton's cheeks blush and the interviewer kept asking him questions and you decided to stop texting him and watch how this was going to turn out.

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