#47 He Butt Dials You And He Expresses His Feelings For You Part 2

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Luke: All day you couldn't get what Luke had confessed out of your head. He was in love you! 'Good thing too, because I love him too' you thought to yourself. You couldn't help but think how long he has felt this way. It was the way he said it as well, he seemed so stressed and you to be able to go up to tell him that you feel the same, but you couldn't. He doesn't even know you heard him! So it would be kind of awkward going up to him and saying 'Heyy Lukey, I heard what you said about loving me and I just want to say that I love you too.' No. You couldn't do that. You were just happy that he liked you back because this could have gone horribly wrong. You kept wondering if he was ever going to actually tell you because he has always been the sky boy when it came to something like this, but when he is around you, he does tend to be more open about everything than he normally is. You heard knocking on your door and when you opened it you saw Luke standing there with his hand scratching his neck, a sign to say he is nervous. "What's the matter Lukey?" you asked him, ever thought you kinda knew what was up but oh well. "Can I speak to you?" he asked shyly and you nodded my head yes in response. When you two had both sat down on the sofa facing one another, you were waiting for him to speak and finally, he did. "Look (Y/N), lately I have really wanted to tell you something but I was too scared to say anything and I was talking to Michael and he told me to tell you, so I am. (Y/N), I-I," he said but then he stopped and sighed, looking down at his hands. "I love you too Lukey," you said as you moved closer. "I really love you," you said to make it clear you meant more than friends. "How did-" he was cut off. "You butt dialled me," you smirked at him while he blushed and you leant in and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Calum: As Calum walked into your shared apartment, you ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug whilst kissing him on the lips with so much passion and he kissed right back with the same amount. "What was that for?" he asked with a wide smile, his grip on my waist tightened. "Just cause I can," you told him with a smirk and he smirked back. "Come on," you said as you dragged him into the living room and making him sit and you perched yourself onto his lap. "So, how was your day?" You asked him and he stared at you for a second before answering. "It was good. Spent the whole day with Ashton, just talking really and playing video games," he replied. "How about you?" he asked you and he caressed your cheek and stared at you lovingly. "I found something out that is quite interesting actually," I teased him. "Really? What would that be?" he asked confused. "Well, it's something about..." you hinted at him and he looked even more confused. “Were you with Ashton today?" you asked him and he instantly went nervous. "Yeah..." he said trailing off. “Is there anything you would like to say to me," you asked him as you placed a kiss on his neck. "U-Uh," he stuttered and it made you smile. "Now let me remind you," you said and then tried to put on your best Calum impression, "Is it too soon Ash? I love her Ash," and when you finished talking, Calum looked down and blushed immensely. "Well?" you asked him and he looked back up at you. "I love you (Y/N)," he said whilst looking into your eyes and you smiled, responding with an 'I love you' and gave him a loving kiss.

Michael: You were so happy! Actually happy was understatement, you were so ecstatic about what you had heard. He wanted to ask you to marry him! You had been dating for about 3 years, so you were pretty serious. You had been dreaming about the moment he would ask you and he was going to plan it for this weekend! You couldn't believe. You kept thinking of different ways that he could possibly do it. He could ask you to dinner. He could do anything and you really wanted to know now. You weren't going to see him till the weekend anyway because he had to record for the few days and him and the boys had to stay at one of the hotels near the recording studio. During the nights leading up to the weekend, you kept dreaming of ways that he could ask you to marry him but they were all too extravagant for your liking. You were the type of girl that liked things being casual. Whenever Michael would take you on a date, you would end up having a go at him because he would always try and do something expensive and that. The weekend finally rolled around and Michael had finally showed up at your door. He was holding a teddy bear and a bunch of roses. He handed the bunch of flowers to you and you said thank you and went towards the kitchen and put them in a vase with water. After that was sorted, he handed me the teddy bear and it was holding a heart that said I love you on it. "Press the heart," he told me and so I did. "Will you marry me (Y/N)?" it said and it was in Michael's voice, you turned to him and you found him on the ground on one knee, holding a little box up to you, showing the beautiful diamond ring. You were tearing up and shouted a yes at him and he placed the ring on your finger and you gave him a long passionate kiss. That was the last way you thought he would propose.

Ashton: After listening to that conversation that Ashton had with Luke, you laid there wide awake, staring up at the ceiling, just thinking. You were shocked that Ashton was asking you to move in, but you loved that he wanted to and to be honest, you spend near enough the whole time over his apartment anyway, so it would make it easier to move him and stay with him all the time, well a part from when he goes on tour and that but still. Plus you could then wake up in his arms every day and it would be the best thing to experience. You finally got some sleep later on that sleep and you dreamt a lovely dream about Ashton. When you woke up, you had a shower and got changed into a pair of skinnies and then Ashton’s Marvel singlet and where it was too big, you could easily see the bra that you were wearing, that's why it was Ashton's favourite for you to wear. As you were about to sit down and watch a bit of Adventure Time, the doorbell rang, so you got up and went to answer it and Ashton was there smiling down at you. "Heyy," he said as he placed a kiss on your lips. He stepped in and followed you to the living room and you both sat and watched Adventure Time together. "Heyy (Y/N), I have something to ask you..." he trailed off and you looked at him, waiting for him to talk even though you knew what he was going to say.” You can say no if you want to, but I was just wondering if you would like to possibly move in with me? I mean that's if you want to- you don't have to," he quickly recovered. "Ashton?" he looked at me and I continued, "I would love to move in with you," you said and he smiled a wide smile and dug a key out of pocket and he leaned down to kiss you. "I love you," "I love you too."

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