#13 You find out you're pregnant (Pregnant Series)

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Went to update the second part to this, but then this one had deleted itself! I am not happy right now! So bear with me. I can't remember exactly what I put but I shall try my best. It may be slightly different than it was before and again I am sorry.

Luke: You were sitting in the bathroom staring at the stick in front of you, patiently waiting for what the result might be. You were hoping the result was positive, but then again you were scared because you thought that Luke won't want to be a farther. He was so young and he had his career to think about. He took his career really seriously. I mean it was just kicking off and he was so happy about that. You were glad that he was living his dream and that it was expanding to more than he ever thought it would. After about another 5 minutes, you checked the stick and it confirmed you were indeed pregnant. You then put it back on the side, along with the 3 other tests that were placed there. You didn't want to believe it but the thing that kept popping into your head was how you were going to tell him and it could either go two ways. Good or bad. You didn't know what to do.

Calum: You and Calum have been trying for a baby for a long time and every time you went to check the stick to see what it says, it would always say that it is negative. You were starting to lose hope and thought that it just wasn't meant to be. The hardest thing about finding out that it was negative was telling Calum. Each time he had high hopes that it was going to be positive but when you would tell him, he would break down and just cry and cry. He was starting to blame himself, saying that it was his fault and that he must be doing something wrong and you would always try to calm him down and say that you could always try again. After a while about thinking about all that, you slowly looked at the stick that would tell you the truth. That was when you saw it said positive and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.

Michael: Lately you had been throwing up a lot and feeling a bit sick, but you just brushed it aside, thinking you just had a bug or something. You were with your mum at her house for the day and about half an hour of being there, you started to throw up and you explained to your mum how you were feeling and she told you that she thinks that you might be pregnant. Your mum ended up going to the shop and came back with 4 pregnancy tests. She left you to do the business and you patiently waited. You were thinking of the consequences and what Michael might think. See, at the moment, he was even here. He was on tour with the 1D boys and has been for about 4 months and he still won't be back for another 3 months or so. You finally looked at the results and called your mum in. She walked in and saw the tests and broke into a smile. She was delighted with the fact she was going to grandma.

Ashton: You were beginning to think you were pregnant because of all the sickness you were having and the fact that you have been late for about a week now. You told your best friend about what you thought and she agreed with you and suggested to go to the doctors to find out for sure just in case. Even though you hate the doctors, you decided to go and you best friend went with you because she knew you were scared to go. When you got there, you waited in the waiting room for a while before the doctor called you. He took some tests and asked you some questions. After about half an hour of being there, you got the results and they were positive and you were, indeed, pregnant with Ashton's baby. However, the only thing that was running through your head was what Ashton is going to think and react to this. You knew that he didn’t want anything to come up at the moment and ruin his career because it was just starting and he couldn't be happier. This was going to be tough.

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