#84 You're Not Dating, But the Other Boys Think You Should

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A/N - I am so sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I have been extremely busy with school, work and helping run live sound for a couple of shows this week as well. Anyways, here is one, I hope you like it, but sorry if it isn't that great.

Ashton: The boys offered to help you paint your new room in your new apartment and you decided that it would be nice to get the job done faster, which led to the boys being there. You knew it was probably a bad idea, but figured what could go wrong? You had all of your things still in boxes and sheets over your furniture. When the room was about half finished the boys said your name, "(Y/N)," in unison. "What?" you questioned, turning around to be greeted with them flinging paint from their brushes on you and you couldn't help but release a squeal. "Not cool," you said looking at your paint covered body. You are usually very clean when you paint and the outfit you had on was one you really wanted to keep. You quickly pulled off your pants and shirt and threw them to Calum, "go wash these off, I am going to go take a shower and by the time I am done with the shower, this room better be painted," you said sternly. "Wow you stripped faster than Luke," Ashton said laughing nervously as he looked you up and down. "One, I am not naked, I have undergarments on. And second, there are worse people I could be like," you said with a devilish smile towards him, remembering something that happened with him, as you grabbed some clothing from your draw and walked out. "She drives me crazy," you heard Ashton angrily says as you walked out of the room. "Yea I know," Luke responded, "but that is why you love her." "What are you talking about Hemmings," Ashton said defensively. "She is the only girl who has ever been able to keep up with you, and you know it and like it. Not to mention you were not very sneaky checking out her bum when she was searching for an outfit. Why don't you just..." was the last thing you heard Luke say before closing the bathroom door.

Luke: You were working on making a birthday cake for your friend's birthday, but your shower had went longer than you expected and you accidently burnt the first one. You decided to just start from scratch. Your friends from 5 Seconds of Summer were in town and were coming over to your house to go to dinner, so you texted them to let them know the situation and that you needed more time. Once you had the batter mixed you heard a knock on the door. You quickly threw off your towel and put on a robe. You slowly opened the door, shocked to see Luke. "Did you get my text," you asked, feeling guilty that he came over not knowing. "Yeah, I did. I came to rescue you," he said inviting himself in. After showing him to the kitchen, you went to change and get ready. You looked back to see him tasting the batter and adding a few things. By the time you got down stairs he was pulling the cake out of the oven and putting it in the fridge, "you know I could have handled it myself, I just got distracted," you said as he looked up. "You look amazing," he said obviously distracted, "I know you could handle it, but my mum taught me a few baking tricks, so it is the least I could do." As he got the frosting ready and pulled the now cooled down cakes out, there was a knock on the door. You went to open it and saw Calum and Michael standing there, Ashton getting out of the car. They all greeted you with, "Hello (Y/N)," as they hugged you and complemented your outfit. They were all very good at arriving just on time and were wondering why Luke was there so early. You told them that he came to help and lead them to the kitchen. "Aw, how cute," Ashton cooed pinching Luke's grinning cheeks, "Luke coming to your rescue and baking for you. So did his wooing work? Are you guys dating yet?" he questioned. "I have no idea what you are talking about Ash," you said making your way over to Luke's side. "This cake is beautiful," you told Luke as he put the finishing touches on the cake, "I owe you one," you added hugging him, and you could hear his heart rate pick up.

Calum: You were good friends with all of the boys and your spring break was coming up, so they invited you on tour for that week. You, of course, agreed and your flight got in around 5, but your time zone was being completely flipped around. The boys started shouting out all of the things around the area that they wanted to show you. You explained that you were dead tired and would probably not be able to comprehend all of the places that they would show you. They decided to just have game night on the tour bus. After a few games of charades you could not handle their excitement anymore, and Michael showed you to your bunk. You pulled out your laptop to see what your friends back home were up to. After you were updated you decided to watch some YouTube videos. After about 15 minutes you heard someone walk through to go to the bathroom. On the way back the person slowly opened your curtain, "I knew you weren't sleeping (Y/N)," Calum said proudly. You explained that you were trying to adjust to the time zone by forcibly staying awake. He suggested he could help as he jumped up to your bunk and pulled your computer off of your lap and onto his. He continued to flip from video to video, occasionally showing you something funny on a website. You both were cracking up and you actually felt very awake. After about an hour you heard Luke walk in. He asked what you guys were doing and Calum explained. "Mikey wins," Luke said to the boys a few yards away, "They ARE together, but they didn't get it on or make out." "Shut up, you dicks!" Calum yelled throwing your pillow at Luke and then yanking your bunk curtain closed.

Michael: The boys were over at your house, but you were in the middle of cleaning for your family dinner tomorrow. You had gotten to the dining room when Michael popped his head in, "do you want some help (Y/N)?" he questioned holding up his IPod and speakers. You tried to explain that he was a guest and you could handle it but he refused to let you clean alone. He turned on the music and turned it right up, dancing and singing as he dusted the light above the table. You soon joined in. You both went back and forth singing the lyrics horribly and busting out some very creative dance moves. First he would laugh at your booty pop and then you would reciprocate the laughter as he shook his hips. "My stomach hurts," you said turning off the music. "Mine too, but it was fun," he said as he picked up the supplies to move to the last room. As you cleaned this room you just talked about your family that was coming over and he talked about his family. "Are you two love birds going to join us any time soon?" you heard Calum yell as the other boys laughed. Michael ran out of the room and you heard Calum yell, "Run," right before a thump. Michael yelled, "I'm sorry, I thought I was being helpful," with a giggle. You finished the last of the cleaning, put the cleaning supplies away, and returned to the living room. You sat next to Michael because his face was bright red and looked around at the other boy's proud faces. "Thank you for helping me Michael," you said hugging him and looking at the others with disappointment because they did not offer to help.

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