#42 Your Parents Find Condoms In Your Room

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Luke: Grabbing your dirty clothes, your mom heard something slip out of your sweater pocket. Leaning down to get it, she saw it was a condom. Not wanting to overreact, she placed it on your nightstand forgetting completely about your dirty clothes and left the room. “I thought you were doing laundry?” you muttered to your mum as you passed by her up the stairs with Luke behind you. “At least you two are being safe,” she said quietly causing you to stop in your tracks on the step. You glanced back at Luke, whose cheeks were gaining a pinkish colour. “What?” you asked nearly choking on air as you stared down at your mother and she shook her head, sending the two of you a small smile. “Just keep being careful [Y/N]. The two of you are a bit young for kids,” she said and continued down the stairs as you stared after her with widened eyes. “Well that was a bit awkward,” Luke mumbled. “Tell me about it…” you grumbled as the two of you continued up the stairs to your room. “I'm surprised she didn’t make me go home…” Luke said flopping down on your bed and you let out a small chuckle. “Just wait until she tells my dad.”

Calum: “(Y/N)… I found these in your room earlier today,” your mum said handing you two boxes of condoms and your eyes went wide. “Uh… it’s not what it looks like,” you started and she held up her hand, stopping you from continuing. “You’re at an age where you will experience things with boys, and I can honestly say I'm happy that you have these because it lets me know you’re careful,” she said letting out a sigh. “Oh and Calum isn’t allowed in your room…. not while I'm in the house. I know you two will do whatever you want when you’re alone,” she finished and you rubbed the back of your neck. “He’s up there right now,” you reminded her and she nodded. “Oh I know… and you go up there and tell him you two have to be in the living room from now on,” she said calmly before going back to what she was doing. Sluggishly you made you way back up to your room and stared down at Calum’s lying figure. “What’s up?” he asked peeking up at you from the pillow and you tossed the boxes at him. “We’re banned from the room Cal,” you said softly as he looked over the condom boxes. “I was looking for these, thought we were out.”

Michael: You walked in giggling with Michael right behind you, only to spot your mum and dad sitting on the couch with condoms laid out on the coffee table. Once he had caught sight of what was on the table he stopped walking. “Maybe I should go home…I’ll you later babe,” Michael muttered but your father sent him a warning look. “Sit. Both of you,” your father said quietly as his eyes burned into both of you. Slowly making your way over to the loveseat, you couldn’t take your eyes off the condoms. “Well it’s obviously too late to give you that talk…” your father started his lips falling into a frown as his eyes made its way over to you. “But you listen here. You will continue to use these things,” he muttered motioning to the condoms. “I will not have my daughter pregnant. Not at this age. You hear me young man?” he asked, his voice hard as he narrowed his eyes at Michael. Nodding his head, Michael slightly opened his mouth mumbling ‘Yes.’ “Good. Now, you can leave its late anyway. (Y/N), take these. Take these things back upstairs,” your father said, letting out a breath of air and standing up trailing into the kitchen. Your mum offered you two a small smile. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be,” your mom said, letting a chuckle slip through her lips.

Ashton: Your mother smiled brightly at the two of you as you made your way up to your room. “Oh I left a little something on your bed. For the two of you,” she said before walking into the kitchen. Making it to your room, you noticed a box of condoms laid on the middle of your bed and instantly your cheeks grew warm. “What the hell?” you asked looking over at Ashton, whose face showed he was clearly just as shocked as you were. “She- she got us condoms (Y/N)…” he muttered picking up the box. “Stay here…” you breathed leaving your room and heading down to your mother. “Mum? What- why would you…” you fumbled with your words as you leaned against the kitchen counter. “Well I was taking the trash out and the box fell out and clearly it was empty so I went and got you some more. I was young once (Y/N). I know these things. I just want you two to be safe. So no I'm not angry with you or anything and he can continue to come over. Just make sure you’re always using protection,” she said shooting you a smile over her shoulder. “This is really-” “Awkward? It shouldn’t be I'm your mother you can talk to me about these things.”

**I AM BACK IN ENGLAND!!! Already miss the hot florida sun :( But I come on here on my computer to see what progess I am making on this book and I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! 109K reads, 1450 votes and 127 comments! Bloody hell! By the way, if you have requested and I havent done it please comment again. I don't know who has commented and who I have done now... Oops... Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!**

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