#38 He Has A Love Bite And The Others See It

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Luke: "But she's so innocent," Ashton murmured as they looked between you and Luke. "They both put off that innocent act huh?" Ashton asked quietly as the boys laughed as they grew closer to the both of you. "Didn't even bother trying to hide it mate?" Michael asked as he approached the two of you. "I'm sure the two of you had fun last night right?" Michael asked with a smirk as a blush crept up to your cheeks, you staring at them bewildered. "W-what are you going on about?" you stuttered as your cheeks continued to grow a deeper shade of red. Luke stood there beside you, just as red as you, as he ignored their questions. "Do you have any love bites as well?" Calum asked a chuckle slipping through his lips as his eyes directed to you. Luke grabbed a hold of your hand and quickly led you away. "Get back here. You don't have us fooled! We know the truth," Ashton called out after you as the boys laughed.

Calum: He sluggishly made his way into the living room, unaware that the guys were already there. "Look what the cat dragged in," Michael said looking up from his plate of food over at Calum's shirtless figure. Calum ran his hand over the back of his neck a yawn slipping through his lips, "What are guys doing here?" he stopped stretching out a bit. "What's that on neck mate?" Luke asked wiping his hands on his napkin. You poked your head out of the kitchen a smirk on your lips. "Are those love bites?" Ashton asked squinting his eyes, trying to get a better look at the purplish bruise on his neck. "Yes, yes they are," you announced proudly smiling over at Calum as he ran his hand over his neck, searching for them. "You went to town on him didn't you (Y/N)?" Michael asked with a raised brow.

Michael: "No shame huh?" Luke asked as he shook his head at Ashton. "What?" he asked with a confused expression on his face. Luke pointed to his neck signalling Michael to go and check his and he made his way over to the mirror and began examining. A smile made its way to his lips as he searched for more. "I didn't even know she did it. Must have been in my sleep or something," he said shrugging, a light laugh escaping his lips. He pulled down the neck of his shirt, revealing another one on his collarbone. "(Y/N) did all of that while you were asleep?" Luke asked chuckling as he shook his head. "She's terrible isn't she?" Michael joked as he fixed his shirt again. "Have fun covering those up today, mate," Luke laughed giving him a pat on the back and Michael nodded. "Eh, I might leave it, show the world I'm hers," he replied to Luke with a wink.

Ashton: "(Y/N)...can you come here?" Calum asked sticking his head out with a small smile playing on his lips. Walking into the room, you noticed a slightly blushing Ashton sitting in his chair along with a giggling Michael. "No more love bites on the neck," he said pointing to the noticeable love bite on his neck and you instantly began blushing and nodding your head. "You can put them wherever you please. Just not on the neck. Especially if we have an interview," he said smiling at you and you nodded. "Yeah (Y/N) no more on the neck. Wouldn't want the world to know what you and little Ashton here do at night?" Michael said with raised brows. You narrowed your eyes at him and he laughed. "Unless you want everyone to know..." Luke said laughing and you gave him the finger. "I'm hurt," he said placing his hands over his heart.

**Here's another one! I will post another one in a few days. Sorry it's taking so long. I am on holiday at the moment. Hope you like it!!**

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