Imagine Ashton

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**Requested by Maisiekins**

Today was the day. It was the day you were finally going to a 5SOS concert and the other thing you were excited about was that you actually managed to get front row tickets and you couldn't be happier at that moment. You also managed to get 2 tickets, so you were taking your best friend. 

You had been waiting in line for a few hours by now and the closer and closer it got to the time of the doors opening, you were getting more and more excited about it. 

Once you were in and got to the front near the stage, you and your friend couldn't stop talking about this moment and how long you both have been waiting for this to happen and now that it was, you couldn't believe it.

Soon, the arena went dark and spotlights focused on the stage and one by one, the boys came out and started to play 18. You and your friend were jumping around and shouting the lyrics along with them and your friend was doing air guitar and you were doing air drums because your favourite was Ashton and you loved how much aggressiveness he puts into his drumming skills. You kept your eyes on him near the whole time and you swear there were a few times that he made eye contact with him but he could have been looking at the girls behind you, so you shrugged it off.

When they performed the final song, you and your friend were getting upset because you didn't want this to end.

When you were walking out, your friend said that she wanted to go to the toilet before the ong drive home, so you said alright and waited outside the door. 

"Heyy, you were the girl in the front row, weren't you?" you heard someone say from behind you, so you turned around and saw none other than Ashton standing there smiling at you.

"Umm... Yeah...." you said, shocked that he actually saw you and recognised you.

"You were doing air drums near the whole time and it was really cute," he said and you felt your cheeks start to go red, signalling that you were blushing. 

"Okay Maisie, I'm do-" you heard your friend start to say but stopped when she saw who I was talking to. "Oh my god!" she said a mixture of shouting and whispering.

"Hi there..." Ashton said and trailed off, wanted to know your friends name.

"(Y/F/N)," she said and he smiled kindly towards her.

"Nice to meet you (Y/F/N) and I am gathering your name is Maisie? Pretty name," he said with a playful wink at the end. 

"I guess we better be going..." you trailed off when you realised your mum would be wondering where you were.

"What's your girls Twitter and I will follow you?" he asked kindly and you both gave him yours and when you said yours, you blushed because he his name in it which apparently he found really cute.

When you were in the car, you and (Y/F/N) went on Twitter and saw Ashton kept his promise and followed you both. You even had a DM from him and that is when the friendship begun between you two.

**Hope you liked it! Sorry if it's a bit crap...**

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