#20 He's Drunk

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**I know none of the boys would do these things, so don't hate me!**

Luke: Luke used to be the one who never got drunk and was always there to keep the other boys in line and make sure they don't do anything stupid. Now that he has turned 18, he has been out night after night, arriving back home at ridiculous times in the morning. One night you got fed up, so you decided to stay up and confront him when he arrived back to the apartment you both share for tour. It got to about 3am when you thought you were going to pass out and give up with waiting. Then you heard the door slam open and loud clashes going through the house. You were too scared to get up, so you stay seated and waited to see if he was going to walk into the living room and say anything. Just your luck, he walked in with a fury look in his eyes. "What's up babe?" You asked trying to keep calm, but failed when your voice shook a bit. "Leave me alone! You pathetic excuse of a girlfriend!" He shouted in your face. You don't know what you had done wrong because all you have done is show him you love him and care about him. "What have I done?" You asked, not being able to fight back the tears for much longer. "You being you annoys me! Why do have to nag me all the time! I could have any other girl in this planet in my bed in an instant!" He shouted in your face. "Then why don't you!" I shouted back, no tears yet arriving yet but they were close. "Fine! Watch me!" He shouted and that was it. You collapsed in a ball on the floor and bawled your eyes out. Your heart broke at the fact that he just basically said he doesn't want you. "Oh my god, what have I just said?" You heard a whisper say. "(Y/N) babe, I am so sorry! It was the drink talking I swear! I would never want to leave you! You are my world! If we ever broke up or I did something like that, I would never be able to live with myself and live without you. I love you (Y/N)" he said, while bringing you into his arms and calming you down. He spent the rest of the night telling you what it was he loved about you, even when you fell asleep, he would still be talking. 

Calum: When it comes to drinking, you always worry about what's going to happen. Your ex was an alcoholic and turned abusive, so you were always worried of a repeat of that in any part of your life to come. It was 11pm when Calum walked through the door. You thought that because he was home early for once, he would be less drunk but you were wrong. Cal walked into the room where you were and just stood there, deciding on what to do. "Cal? What are you doing?" You asked him, to see if he was able to actually hear you speak. "Shut up!" He shouted, jaw clenched and fire in his eyes, which started to make you scared. "Calm down" you said in a whisper, worried what he would do to you. "I said, SHUT UP!" He shouted even louder and did the one thing you didn't think he would ever do. He slapped you, right across the face, the impact pushing you back a bit, and a hand print being left there instantly. "No! What the hell did I just do!?" He shouted, realisation hitting him. "This is the one thing you didn't want me doing ever! (Y/N) please forgive me. I know your ex did this whenever he was drunk and that was all the time but I promise to not doing it again and cut down on the drinking" he confessed. Calum went and got you an ice pack and you both fell asleep without realising. You helping Calum with his hangover while he kept apologising, not only with words, but with actions as well to show he truly loves you.

Michael: You were both at a club, getting out of the house for a change as a couple. You weren't drinking much but Michael was drinking and drinking. You were scared of how drunk he would get because if he drinks a bit more, he won't be able to control his actions. About 5 drinks later, you were right. Michael was dancing with two blondes on the dance floor, not even looking at you. It seemed like he forgot you were even there. You tried to see if anything else would happen before you went over and made a scene. That didn't take long either, Michael was about to start kissing one of the blondes and that is when you stormed over and yanked her away by her hair. "You stay away from him!" You shouted, with clear anger showing in your voice which made her walk away. "What do you think you are doing?" You shout to Michael over the loudness of the music from the speakers that were vibrating on the floor. "Having a good time!" He shouted back, anger showing in his face. "Instead of having fun with a blonde bimbo, you could have danced with me, your girlfriend!" Tears were staining your cheeks at this point which must have pulled Michael to reality of what he was doing. He brought you into a hug and kept saying sorry. In the end you went home and fell asleep, both of you looking after each other in the morning due to the massive hangovers you both had. 

Ashton: You're always scared when Ashton goes out drinking because you're afraid that he'll cheat. You know you trust him a lot to not cheat but you always had your doubts. You have only been dating him for 3 months but you have known each other for a few years, and you should know him to not cheat, but you still doubt it. Whenever he goes out drinking he doesn't come home that night, he sleeps round one of the boys because he doesn't want you seeing him in a drunk state. You heard the door open and close, which you found odd because of what you had just thought. You walked to the door and regretted it. You saw Ashton with some girl pressed up against the wall and he was kissing her. It was not a good sight to watch. You felt tears appearing but didn't let any go. "How could you!?" You shouted, instantly getting his attention. He looked confused at first. He looked at me and then at the girl and realisation must have hit him because he pushed away and shooed out the door. "(Y/N), you have to believe me, I thought that was you! I got to club, had a few more drinks than usual and then that girl came up to me and I thought it was you! I was too drunk to register what was going on!" He said in a rushed voice. You didn't believe him, but there were no signs of him saying that he was lying. "Fine Ash, but answer me this. Do you always cheat when you go out?" You asked him, not looking him in the face. You felt fingers go on your chin, lifting your face up to look at him. "(Y/N), I would never cheat on you. Why would I when I have you, the love of my life" he stated as if you should know that. After that you took him to bed and you fell asleep in his arms. He woke up with a massive hangover.

**Also, could you please go check out my Michael fanfic (He's My Bully), that I have started? Please vote and comment what you think as well please?  THANK YOU MY LOVELY READERS!**

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