Feels Like Yesterday

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( Disclaimer: I do not own Adam, Sauli, or Tommy, only my OC and other OCs!)

The first time I met him was at the fashion show three years ago in Los Angeles, California. I was in the back, hurriedly trying to make my way through the crowd, cell phone pressed to my ear in a pointless attempt to hear over the blasting music.

Then I saw him.

I looked around when a flash of something shiny and silver caught my eye, and saw that it was the lapels of the man's black jacket. The hair, the eyes, his lips- obviously Adam Lambert.

I swallowed when our eyes met and he grinned, lifting his champagne flute to those perfect lips. He wore black fingerless gloves adorned with long golden horn -like things on the knuckles.

Of course he'd be here! He was always at the height of men's fashion, even if his style was a little more outrageous than most. 

I'd been to two of his concerts, and once stood not ten feet away from him, back in Boston. But this felt different...

I shut off my phone (Mom would just have to wait) and carefully walked down the carpeted steps as gracefully as I could. I felt extremely out of place here; and I would have left hours ago if it hadn't been for the fact I was here for my boss and I needed the credit. Although I had to say- it was pretty glamorous. I wasn't a celebrity stalker, but I'd seen over a dozen actors, actresses, and singers, but the only one I really cared about was Adam.

So, I reached my seat and sat gracefully, smoothing my short (read: too short) red dress and crossing my legs. A month and a half of dieting to get me here and I'd wanted to leave as soon as it had started. Loud, electronic dance music accompanied the models as they strutted down the catwalk, doing whatever little pose, their faces blank. I sighed, wishing this could just be over already.

"Is this seat taken?"

I jerked my head up at the question that was half shouted over the noise, and saw HIM. HE was talking to ME!

"Um, no." I said, attempting a smile.

Adam Lambert sat down beside me, then held out his hand.

"I'm Adam," He said.

I shook his hand, momentarily amazed at how seamlessly he'd managed his black nail polish.

"Phoenix." I replied. "But call me Nix."

Adam grinned. "That's an awesome name! I love it,"


We sat back and watched the show, and I could tell Adam enjoyed it more than I did. I tried and failed to keep from staring at him. I couldn't help it- he was just so gorgeous!

"So what brings you here?" Adam asked after a time, leaning on one arm.

I shrugged. "Business. My jerk of a boss sent me in his stead. There's really no reason for me to be here."

Adam chuckled. "So I take it this isn't really your kind of place then?"

I shook my head. "Nope." I popped the P.

"Then what's your kind of place?"

"No idea. Probably somewhere not as upscale?"

We laughed and Adam nodded. "Yeah, I understand. I have my moments. Listen, I don't mean to come on so strongly here, but do you wanna ditch this and get a drink or something?"

It took all my self control not to let my jaw drop to the floor. Was this for real?

"Well, I don't drink, but sure! Why not."

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