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Adam's POV

I was so happy to be done with the show, even though the energy and reception had been amazing, I was eager to get back to Nix.

I rode in the back of the black SUV, staring out of the heavily tinted windows at the passing casinos and stores. It was as if the night had never come at all; just as many people were out (or maybe even more), and the hustle and bustle was going just as strong as ever.

The SUV pulled up behind a few other cars and I told the driver that he didn't have to pull up right next to the door, and I got out, bag in hand, and dragged myself inside.

I kept my head low, too tired to hold it up, and took the elevator to our floor, saying hello to Evan and Jaron.

"Did Nix go anywhere?" I asked.

Evan shook his head. "No, sir. She got room service though."

With a smile on my face, I thanked them and slid the key card into the slot, opening the door as quietly as I could.

The TV was on but with no sound, and the entire place was dark aside from a low light in the kitchen and from the screen. I crept over to where Nix was fast asleep on the couch, blanket pulled up to her chin, carefully slipped my arms under her and picked her up, bride-style.

Boy, she was out like a light. The muscles in my arms and legs protested, even though Nix weighed about the same as a toddler. It'd been a rough couple of days and I was probably a little dehydrated.

I set her gently on the bed, unfolded one side and slid her back over and under the covers. I brushed her red hair back from her face and kissed her forehead.

Once in my room, I was too tired to shower, so I just stripped down and into some basketball shorts and crashed into bed, falling asleep within minutes.


I woke up in the morning, naturally, with no alarm clock, for the first time in weeks. I was on my back and staring up at the canopy above me. Ah. Adam must have carried me. What was it with me and always being too tired to take myself to bed?

I was psyching myself to get up, but before I could there was a series of knocks on my door.

"Come in, Adam." I said with a smile.

He poked his head in, black eyeliner and purple glitter smeared down his face like an ebony river with flecks of star-shine. His brown/red hair was mussed up and flattened to one side, he was shirtless.

In other words: drop dead gorgeous. "Morning, babe." He said, stepping in and coming over. I scooted to one side and patted the covers.

Adam sat down and pulled me to him, twirling a lock of hair around his fingers. "How'd you sleep?"

I stretched a little with a moan. "Really good. This bed is ridiculous. Like sleeping on a cloud."

His lips parted. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome."

"I saw some of the show last night. Animal."

Adam laughed in a low voice and it shook his shoulders. "Well. I tried. I'm taking you liked what you saw?"

"Of course." I blushed and covered my face. "It's too early for this!"

Adam kissed me on the lips, resting his hand on my waist and shifting closer. "Sorry. But just wait until later..."

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