Mi manchi

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School was getting crazy. Since I wasn't new to this industry, I was allowed to go to the huge fashion show in Italy and bring the best in the class, which included my friends Casey, Jasmine, Daniel, and Tucker. It was just a few weeks after I got Adam's present, so all I had to do was survive just over another month without him.

My last project before the trip was help my group come up with a totally original idea for a men's suit. I hadn't really designed stuff like that before, but I brought my giant book of picture references and patterns to help us out a bit.

"What the fuck! How many designs can there be for a suit?" Jasmine exclaimed, throwing down her pencil.

"And there isn't even anything we could steal or mash-up together because Trainer would know," Daniel sighed and ran a hand over his short hair.

"Let's just Google what's in style right now." Casey suggested. Usually I would discourage this because I'd stressed so many times that originality is what got you places, but today I was willing to let it slide.

"Alright, but don't let Tucker do it or he'll get distracted by all the Parisian models." I joked. Tucker feigned a hurt look and put away his phone with a snort.

We all leaned in around my phone and scrolled through the thousands of images, commenting on some and hating on others.

"Okay, but please God let's not use any plaid. I don't care how 'in style' it is, it's damn ugly." Daniel gagged.

"Agreed. So scarves are big, and I like how they're tucking them under their jacket collars and then into the coat itself. I think that's pretty classy, so we somehow have to find the things that are hot and appealing but at the same original." We were all silent for a few moments, sketching rough drawings in our notepads, making little adjustments and scribbling ideas on the side. I thought back to some of the suits Adam had worn over the years, wondering what inspiration I could take from them. Obviously, lots of studs and spikes came to mind.

"What if take one one of these scarves, match it with an all white, casual blazer suit. Really add in some English polo elements? It needs to be preppy but a little rugged."

"Suspenders." Casey noted.

"Popped collar." Added Daniel.

"If it works. We don't want to go too Ive League, and we're steering more towards English fashion then we probably won't pop the collar; that's too American. Add a cabby hat though, that's adorable, very English."

It was kind of fun being the leader of my little group; I enjoyed helping them find their creativity and inspiring them. Sure, their ideas didn't always make sense or work, but that was what I was here for.

"Okay guys, let's get cracking!"

Milan, Italy

This was the first time I'd been less than excited about going to a convention. I don't know what it was...Maybe because being locked up a lecture hall going over things I'd already learned years ago got boring after a while, even with two fashion runs happening. Our designs had been approved and picked up, giving us the go-ahead to head out to Italy.

But it didn't matter that I was in Milan, basking in the Italian sun and eating pasta, because I was miserable and lonely, even if I wasn't alone. Casey and Jas knew this and tried their best to cheer me up, but it just wasn't working.

I lazily went through rewriting papers I did my first time around in college without much thought.

After three hours of scribbling away on the balcony of our hotel room, four hours before the first show, I was interrupted by Adam's ringtone.

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