Keep A Secret

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Adam finished the album in record time (for him) and that weekend I neglected the hundred things I had to do, and only focused on getting my passport set in order for the trip.

Adam had asked if I wanted to be in the music video for "Another Lonely Night," so that was also distracting me.

He introduced me to the director, as well as the many extras, Gigi Gorgeous, Joseph, and Sparrow. And finally, FINALLY, I got to hear the song in it's entirety.

Coming out of hair and makeup, I saw Adam standing in a killer white suit up on the small stage, an old fashioned microphone in his hand and talking with the director.

I was suddenly aware of all the eyes on me as I made my way over to Adam. He gave me a smile and stepped closer, but didn't break eye contact with Link.

" maybe go out into the crowd and interact with them a bit."

Adam nodded. "Totally, I love that idea."

Link shot me a polite smile. "And I suppose you'll want to flirt with this girl a bit too, huh?"

I started and felt the heat in my face betray me.

"What? She's only my friend-"

"Oh Adam, be real. It's obvious. And no-" He talked over Adam. "No, we won't let the word spread. You know these people and the waivers they had to sign. Everything is chill here."

We each breathed a sigh of relief and Adam quickly took my hand.

"Well, in that case, yes; I certainly do want to flirt with her." He kissed my temple and a few hoots and claps came after. Adam laughed.

"Okay, let's get started!" Link clapped his hands together and turned to the extras and crew.

Adam faced me, wrapped his arms around me and rested his forehead on mine.

"A!" I giggled. "People are watching. And shouldn't we be paying attention to Link?"

Adam shook his head. "Nah. I know my cues and all you need to do is sit there and look stunningly beautiful, which shouldn't be hard at all." He kissed my nose.

I tightened my arms around his neck.

"Alright, alright, you guys get a room!" Came a call.

"Oh my lord!" I gasped, trying to pull away, but Adam kept a hold on me. "I'd love to!" He replied over my head.

"Adam!" I thwapped him on the chest and broke away. He laughed and left to stand on his mark.

I found my spot at a table with two other girls and a guy. They seemed eager to talk to me, and soon we were joking like we'd been friends for years.

One of the girls, the dark brunette, looked so familiar...

"Have I met you before?" I asked, tapping my water glass.

The woman, Sara, thought for a moment. "Um, I'm not sure. I was in Adam's "If I Had You" video, but you could only see me for a sec."

I snapped my fingers. "That's totally it. Adam's show me a ton of videos and pictures of shoots and MVs from before we met."

"Oh god- I looked horrible back then!"

Jake and Tara chuckled.

"No way! Everyone in those videos looks amazing! I'm so jealous I never got to be in one for real. I was in "NCOE" as an extra, but I couldn't dance good enough, so they switched me out for that dance scene."

A call for quiet came and everyone shut up. The lights turned on onstage, calling attention to Adam. He straightened his shirt cuffs and stepped up to the mike.

The music came on and I listened hungrily- the melody was like cocaine: I was hooked and high within moments.

"Alone in the dark, hole in my heart

Turn on the radio..."

I rested my chin on my hands, eyes glued on him as he moved gracefully around the stage. The camera dolly blocked my view of him.

"Aw, come on!" I said dismally.

The chorus hit and my jaw dropped at Adam's vocals, soaring to the rafters of the large building, even though the real track would be dubbed over, Adam just sang anyway.

"Wow," I breathed, totally transfixed.

"No, I don't give a damn if the sun comes yeah

It's just another..."

Adam moved off the stage and into the fake crowd, singing and smiling.

I sat up a little straighter as he approached, eyes locked with his. Tara, Jake, and Sara all gave me private glances, beaming knowingly. I ducked my head, but looked back up when Adam brushed his fingers along my jawline. His face was lit up like a full moon, looking at me as if his entire future consisted of nothing but me.

My stomach gave a lurch at the mere thought of that.

His expression in that moment change my perception of him entirely. I felt real, grown up.

I wanted him to be mine, forever. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It was that simple.

The call for 'cut!' snapped me from my heady daydream, and everyone was talking again except for Adam. He was still watching me, tongue touching his lips.

I quickly reached for my water glass.

"Ugh, I'm SO obsessed with "ANL!"" I practically shrieked. Adam laughed, almost sounding relieved.

We were leaving the recording studio and headed back to the house. The outside shots for the video would be taken in Vegas, but for now we were shooting all the inside stuff, leaving the Vegas stuff for a later date.

Adam changed his outfit into basketball shorts an a loose T-shirt. "Oh, god, I'm so tired. And there's still about three days of filming just for the inside of this!" He ruffled his hair and sat on the edge of the couch.

I moved from the kitchen to sit beside him, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry. But it seems like fun. I mean, I had fun!"

Adam gave me a wan smile. "That's because you haven't heard that song a hundred times a day yet."

"I would love to listen to it that much. " I confessed.

"Haha, you just might get to, babe."

(Hey! So I've run into more problems in the upcoming chapters than I realized, so it will sadly most likely take a little longer than originally planned :/ I'm working on it!

Also, HUGE thanks to @jacksonterrance for the awesome cover!!I LOVE it! It feels a bit like fan-art, so kudos! :D

As always, see you in the next chapter!

Glitter on!


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