Here's To Us

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"And look," He said excitedly, opening up a middle divider that held a bottle. In two holders were champagne flutes and I picked them up.

"And it's just sparkling cider, I know you don't drink." Adam said, aiming the bottle away from his face and popped it open. We screeched when it began to overflow and Adam quickly put his mouth over it, squeezing his eyes shut as the bubbles expanded.

I burst out laughing until I snorted, which made Adam loose it. He only just managed to swallow before breaking out into laughs in that beautiful deep voice.

"Sorry!" He said, wiping his mouth.

"It- it's fine babe, it's just us." I said, still chuckling. I held the glasses while he poured the drinks and put the bottle away in the cooler.

"Here's to us," He said, lifting his glass. "We're going to have an awesome time here in Vegas."

We clinked our glasses together and I took a sip. It tasted a lot like wine and we both pulled a face, but it had a pretty good after taste, kind of sweet.

"It's supposed to be "the best sparkling cider in the country."" Adam said, looking into the bubbles.

"Ah, well there's the problem. Only in the country, not the world. There's an important difference." I joked.

We sipped and looked out the window. We were right down the Strip when the back window-that's right, not the roof, just the back window above our heads- slid open, exposing the sun and the neon lights.

I gaped, speechless.

"Hold your applause, baby girl." He said, holding a finger to his lips. I took his hand and continued to watch the lights for another ten minutes before Adam straightened up, looking out his window.

"And here it is!" He said ecstatically.

I leaned down to see and was rendered speechless once again.

"Oh my...Adam. I can't believe you..."

The Palms Hotel and Casino.

Adam was bouncing up and down in his seat, laughing. We both took out our phones and snapped a ton of pictures, then a few selfies.

We rolled up to the front door, where two guys dressed up in black and white tux-like suits were waiting with their hands behind their backs.

They opened our doors and I stepped out, one leg at a time just like in the movies, and turned to look at the famous hotel.

The bellboys said nothing but moved to get our bags from the trunk. I gripped Adam's sleeve and we waltzed into the lobby, which was lavish, accented with gleaming wood floors, black leather couches, steel chandeliers, and perfect lighting.

We walked up to the check-in desk and Adam told them our information in a low voice. He seemed to like it that they gave no reaction to him beyond a very kind smile: he wasn't the biggest celeb that'd been there before. Just saying.

"Here you are, Mr. Lambert; the Hardwood Luxe Suite." The concierge handed Adam two card keys. I gaped. The Hardwood?! That was like $40,000 a night!

"Your bags will be at your room as soon as they arrive. A full mini-bar is included, and a complimentary breakfast delivered to your room at your designated time is also included."

"Perfect, thank you. And I think we'll take breakfast at 9:15, please." Adam checked my reaction and I nodded.

We walked hand in hand to the elevator, accompanied by what I could only guess was a chaperon.

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