Heart to Heart

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Glasswood Lake was a sanctuary. It was a three hour drive away but well worth it. I felt my stress fade every mile we got further from the city.

Further from Adam.

I listened to Paris gush about Andy, grinning at how flustered she got. Paris was always more popular with the guys; she had a go get 'em attitude that I'd always lacked, which meant she always had more dates.

But when the conversation took the inevitable turn to me, I was forcibly reminded of why this trip was happening in the first place.

"Okay girl, spill." Paris said, glancing at me from the passenger side.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. "Well, like I said. He kissed me."

"Twice right? But let me guess; you kissed him back." It was a statement. I shot her a look.

"Nix c'mon! You've wanted to kiss him for real since before you knew him! Talk about trolling status level expert! So what's the big deal?"

I snorted. "P, he's my best friend! He's got a boyfriend who just so happens to also be my friend. Don't you see all the things that could fall apart here? Risking losing his friendship just because he's suddenly "curious" is not worth it."

"But sounds like he's been "curious" about you for a while."

"Uh, remember Ke$ha? Remember that other girl? Those were one night stands where he got "curious." "

"I do remember those. Drunk one night stands right? And he was in his right mind this time."

I bit my lip, not knowing if I wanted to hear any more.

"All I'm saying Nix, is that maybe you should give him a chance. You're both grown ups, you can deal with these things. If you decide it's not working out then just to back to being friends."

"Yeah, but how hard will that be?"

"Well," Paris smirked. "I guess it depends on how far you go."

I blushed and blinked hard. "Paris! Honestly! You know I don't do that."

"Yeah, but wouldn't you do him?" She giggled, only making me more flustered and anxious.

"If I wanted to keep the "just friends" option still open, then no; I would not."

Paris mumbled something like "I would," but I let it slip. She and Tommy had dated briefly about a year and a half ago, and it had gone well for a while, until Paris decided to start traveling. She freelanced as an artist and had recently gotten chances to create posters for touring bands, and even helped with some album art. That was how she met Andy; doing promo at the Vans Warped tour.

I'd convinced her to help out with the promo posters for Trespassing, and the artwork had come out beautifully, Adam was impressed. That was when Paris met Tommy.

The two hit it off and seemed pretty serious for a while until the sudden breakup, when the only answer I could get was her saying she wanted to travel more, and with Tommy always gone with Adam and the band, the long distance thing just wouldn't work out. But I knew it was more. For something to hurt so much to make my best friend cry, it was serious. But I learned quickly not to push it. Tommy never gave a concrete answer either.

Now I shrugged a shoulder weakly. "I dunno...I still think it's risky."

"Exactly! So take the shot! Think about it; how much worse would it be if you refused to even give you guys a chance, and then the two of you end up being miserable and lonely for the rest of your lives?"

I said nothing after this, focusing on the road and the rambling thoughts in my head

We finally reached the camp site, a small clearing with space to park, a couple of tents, and a fireplace. I hooked up my iPod to my solar powered speaker and we jammed out hard to my play-list while we set up the pillows and blankets in the flatbed, complete with some mosquito netting.  I looked up across the river that was a little below us, over to a site occupied by a small family. They were playing Frisbee and laughing while the smell of hot dogs wafted over to us. My stomach clenched; that had been the campsite I'd stayed at with my family on our lest camping trip. Our very last trip together before I told them that Adam was my best friend and I wold stand up for him no matter what. Before they decided they wanted nothing more to do with me.

"Nixxy? Come on. We're not here to think about the past; here in the moment, remember?" Paris said, tossing me a water bottle.

I nodded and cracked it open and drank it down in five gulps.

"Alright, swimming time! It's so sticky and gross, so I'm so getting in that water."

I agreed and we managed to set up a mini-changing room by hanging a sheet over a branch, and we got into our swimsuits. Paris wore a pink bikini but I stuck with a blue and black one-piece, my hair in a high ponytail.

We climbed down the bank (earning a few scrapes) and after draping our towels over a branch, jumped about ten feet into the cool water. We swam and splashed and screeched until the sun began setting and our skin were like prunes. I snagged my towel and wrapped it around me, scrunching up my nose at the sloppy mud that now caked my feet.

We rinsed off our feet before slipping into new clothes and hanging our suits by the fire.

"What do you feel like eating?" Paris asked, peering into our large cooler in the backseat of the truck.

"Burgers and peas?" I suggested. "We need a vegetable no matter we end up eating."


After a dessert of half melted candy bars and so much laughter I though I would throw up, my crazy, dramatic week was all but background noise, and I was ready to have an awesome weekend with my best friend.

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