Make-Out With Me Already

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Once again, Adam's insanely busy schedule caught up with us as he prepared for the new album release. I was knee deep in homework, but postponed it in order to spend precious time with him.

With just two weeks to go before The Original High dropped, we were spending Adam's last free day lounging around by the pool, the radio playing softly in the background.

I was doubled over from laughter as Adam tried to get on an inflatable shark we'd bought for Riff to keep here. It kept flipping over and Adam was nearly rendered immobile from his silent laughter.

"I WILL get this!" he cried. He dragged the shark over to the steps, grabbed onto the handle and bounced himself onto it.

"Yes!! Told ya!" he winked at me.

"Never doubted you for a second, babe." I replied, entering the pool via the steps.

However, Adam's glory was short lived when he lost his balance and was dumped yet again into the water.

I paddled over to him and attacked him from behind, latching my arms around his neck and kissing his jaw.

"Hiya," I said brightly.

Adam kissed my hand, a light smile in his lips. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Very much so."

"How 'bout now?"

I shrieked when he launched himself backwards into the water and I went under.

Bubbles came up from my mouth when I giggled. Adam's dark hair was swirling around him and he reached for my hands, pulling me up to the surface.

"Low blow, Lambert." I teased, rubbing my eyes.

He had his hands around my waist, holding me against him, and I wrapped my legs around him, allowing him to support me.

"Excited about Vegas?" he asked, spinning us in a small circle.

I nodded. "And nervous. I'm sure everybody has been figuring we were together, but I think we managed to stave off too many rumors just because you' It was a pipe dream OTP or whatever."

Adam laughed, flicking his wet hair from his face. "Makes sense. I'm excited to finally make it official. I love showing you off and to be able to do it without worrying will be awesome. Don'tcha think?"

"For sure. And I can't wait to hear more than the three songs you've released so far."

Another Lonely Night started playing in my head and I didn't realize I was humming it out loud.

"...and all I got is your ghost, oh oh oh oh,"

Adam sang softly under his breath, shutting his eyes and resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much," he whispered, moving his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, twirling his hair around my finger.

"I love you too...and I love your hair long."

Adam's chuckle tickled my jaw. "I know you do."

"Not so crazy about this though, I hafta be honest."

I brushed my fingers over his scruff. Adam threw his head back with a joking scoff. "I knew you were only with me for my looks!"

"You're totally right. But hey; it's part of my job to make sure you look damn good."

"And I think the beard makes me look older. I have to somehow make amends for how bad I looked a few years ago." he gave a shiver. I swatted his arm.

"Ad, you looked HOT back then! You still do of course, but c'mon; you have no idea how bad I wished my hair could look like yours. I'm serious!"

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of Adams cell phone ringing from the glass table set in the shade of the roof.

I groaned and tightened my grip on him. He shot me an apologetic look.

"It's Luke, babe."

"Yeah, he's probably calling to yell at you again or something."

"I told him not to call unless it was an emergency."

Begrudgingly, I let him go to answer the phone. Adam grabbed a towel to dry off his face and hands, then took the call.

"Hey, Luke. What's up? It better be important."

I sighed and swam to the stairs to sit, bringing my knees to my chest and zoning out, letting bits of Adam's conversation float over to my ears.

"...dude, this doesn't constitute as an emergency. I'm with Nix-" Adam paused while Luke responded. "That doesn't matter, man! I won't get to see her again until Vegas! Oh, bite me!"

I jumped when Adam tossed his phone onto his pile of clothes, then ran his hands through his hair.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Everything okay, babe?"

"Luke is just being a- well, y'know."

"What was he calling about?"

Adam walked back over to me and slid into the pool, holding out a hand for me. "One of the buses didn't pass inspection so he wanted my opinion on whether or not we should fix it or just upgrade. Like, seriously? I don't care! Ask the band, they're the ones who will be in it the most."

It was evident that the moment had been temporarily ruined by the phone call, and I mentally cursed Luke. Now Adam was all riled up and distracted. I sighed, flipping back my wet hair and swimming to the side of the pool. 

"Babe, c'mon. Forget it and just get back here and make out with me already."

 Adam's eyes flared like a venomous cloud of blue flames, his lips turned up and my heart got hot.

"Well, if you insist." He said, his voice husky. I shrieked when he cannon-balled into the pool, jumping over my head and landing behind me. All 6'1 of him popped up from the water and his arms found their way around me, holding me to his chest.

 "Kiss me." I whispered breathlessly.

 "Oh, I will."

(Hey Glamberts! Sorry this so short-I'll be gone all day today but I have another exciting chapter I will probably be posting before I leave! I'll speed through the first part and fix any major problems, so hopefully it won't be too bad xD 

Big thanks for 1.6k reads! WOW! I know it may not seem like much, but for this story having been up for a little while I feel it's pretty good :) Remember to read and vote and all that jazz!

 As always, I will see you in the chapter!


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