I Want Your Hex

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Adam came out of the bathroom in leather pants with some wild embroidery, half laced boots, a black V neck shirt and a matching three quarter sleeve blazer. At my request, he'd kept his eyeliner and glitter on and he was looking almost like his old self.

I grinned and went over to kiss him, putting my hands on his broad shoulders.

"You look awesome, Addy." I stated.

He kissed me back. "I'm sorry I have to you leave you alone for so long," he said, his voice low and having a hint of sadness to it.

"Don't worry. This is your job, Adam. Besides, you're gonna need this gig to pay for this place!" I teased. Adam chuckled- man, I'd never get over that sound. He laughed differently when it was just us.

"I'll find something to do."

"I know. But...could you do me a favor? Could you maybe just stick around the hotel? I don't want to be worrying about you."

I was touched by his protectiveness, but also a little annoyed. It was Vegas!

"What about taking Jaron and Evan?"

Adam made a 'well you could do that but I'd still rather you didn't sort of face.' "Please?"

I sighed but nodded. "Okay, fine. Just as long as you promise me something in return,"

"Name it."

"No tongue diving, or smoking anything, or getting drunk."

"Oh man, you take the fun out of everything Nix!" He whined, but there was that playful twinkle in his eye.

"I know I know. But, there's a couple of other things..." I let my voice drop and stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. "Show me a little throwback to the Glitter Days?"

He smirked and kissed my jaw again. "I can probably manage that...hopefully I don't rip my pants, but I'll try it. I'm guessing you want your favorite?"

I blushed. "Of course."

"You're a hard girl to please."

"Hey, I'm just as big a Glambert as any of them- I know exactly what everyone wants, baby."

We jumped a little when a knock on the door signaled that Adam really did have to leave. He pulled away and grabbed his bag that was on the couch.

"Order room service, Phoenix. It's free for us. I wanna see some dishes when I get back." he winked.

I saluted him. "Yes sir. If I can handle another bite."

We said goodbye, and as soon as he was gone I felt lonely.

 The suite was so quiet and empty that it was unnerving. I wandered over to the windows and gazed down at the nightlife, all the lights and cars and craziness, and my boy had to go out into it.

I turned away and went over to the TV to watch something mindless, and found it quickly. Snuggling under a black fuzzy blanket, I settled in for an FX movie.

With the first movie done and another beginning, I decided to do as Adam instructed and call for room service. I asked what kind of deserts they had, and chose a huge chocolate sundae thing with shaved vanilla slices, strawberries, and hot fudge. I asked for extra whipped cream and got an extra one for Adam.

They arrived in twenty minutes and I popped his in the freezer and chowed down on mine. It was incredible, just like everything so far.

I switched over to VH1 and grinned when I saw Adam up on stage, tongue out as he belted the last lyrics of "Lucy." 

As the cheers subsided, Adam grabbed a drink of his honey and water mix and dabbed at his face with a towel.

"How are y'all doing tonight?!" He asked, sitting back on his stool.


"Awesome! Well you guys are an awesome audience and I'm having a great time tonight! And yes, I am wearing my eyeliner tonight! My girlfriend Nix asked if I would so...her wish is my command!" He shrugged but was still smiling, adjusting his IEMS. "God, I love that girl so much, you guys have no idea."

My heart started stuttering like a car turning over.

Screams met this statement and the camera panned back over the fans.

"So, she wanted a bit of a throwback and I agreed-again,- so let's see if you guys remember this one at all. So here's to you, babe." He glanced right at the camera and winked.

The lights went down into a low red, and Adam stepped into the dark, shedding his jacket. I sat up, watching intently.

The Glamberts, of course, knew the song within milliseconds. I blushed: Voodoo. It was my secret dance song, besides FYE of course.

"Moonshine on the bayou

Love shrine, break the taboo

I wanna know

What's in your potion

Bound by

Total devotion."

The seductive, dark music made my heart speed up, and Adam swung his head in a small circle, leading into a body roll.

"'Cause it's Voodoo, Voodoo, Voodoo

Under your spell

'Cause it's Voodoo, Voodoo,Voodoo

Under your spell."

Adam ran a hand down his chest, stomach, and just below his belt, then moved to his thigh.

He slowly fell to his knees and leaned back, keeping his hand on his belt and lifting the mic above him.

"Swamp sings over the bazaar

Snake bites, aligning stars

I'm in rapture

There is no cure

No sanctuary from your allure!"

He stood up, and moved his arm like a snake, whipping his head around. He continued the song much like this, bringing out all the sexy dance moves from Glam Nation.

"'Cause the Voodoo that you do is all that can do

To make me into your fool

'Cause when you do your Voodoo

I'm just like a doll that pins keep pushing into!"

He mimed a pin being pushed into his heart. When the beat changed, he rolled his body and snapped in time.

"So every time I try to break this trance

I'm almost afraid I'll miss my chance

To be bewitched by the bayou

I just gotta say I want your hex

I don't wanna live without your hex

I'm so obsessed with your sexiness!"

He let his voice soar up into a long vocalizing break. The backing track continued on while he harmonized and ad-libbed.

"Oh my gosh, Adam." I muttered to myself, shaking my head and chuckled.

I watched a few more minutes of the performance before changing the channel.

It was about 11 and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I curled into a ball and laid down on the couch, putting the TV on mute and closing my eyes, dreaming of the Glitter days.

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