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So far, she was still beside me. Still asleep.

Still here.

She was curled up against me, hair falling over her beautiful, flushed face, peaceful as ever.

I, meanwhile, was grimacing in pain. The white gauze around my arm was now stained with stripes of darkened blood and my fingertips were numb.

Keep it hidden, Adam. Don't let it show.

I grit my teeth and stared up at the ceiling, forcing myself to think about anything else besides the pain.

Nix breathing beside me, the slow, measured tempo of her deep breaths. The taste of her lips from last night, her willingness once she finally gave up the fight...

But she wasn't the one who met me in my dreams; it was Lauren and Sauli.

Lauren was holding a bundle of blankets in her arms and I was terrified to see it-I didn't want to. Her face was torn with anger and utter loss. She was alone, and it was my fault.

"Adam," she said, stepping closer. I stumbled backwards.


"Own up to your mistakes, Adam." Sauli said, circling me like a pale wolf. "Nix doesn't even know a quarter of your past, yet she's as willing as ever to love you and trust you. Boy, wait until she finds out."

"She won't!" I cried. "She will never know!"

I snapped out of my head and ran a hand through my messy hair with a long exhale.

I loved Nix with all my heart. But my demons wouldn't leave me, my past mistakes were right behind me; I could see them from the corner of my eye.

But the question I had to ask myself, really ask myself; did I still love Sauli? Was I still hung up on Lauren? I had loved her, once upon a time. Loved her nearly as much as I loved Nix, but it was different. She was much younger, star-struck and willing to risk everything to have me.

Oh, wait.

I cast Nix a weary glance. How horrible that I was sitting here thinking about my two other lovers when she was right next to me. She had no problems right now, just asleep and restful.

I didn't deserve her. I deserved the guilt and pain I was feeling; every single second of it. Letting it consume me would never be enough to show my shame, my blood could not run fast enough to rid myself of the poison I willingly took.

She would find out, someway. Maybe by accident, or maybe I would tell her, down the road.

But that moment had to be put off for as long as possible; because she should be allowed to be happy for as long as she could before I destroyed her little fantasy. Nix always thought too much of me anyway.

I returned to glaring at the ceiling.


When I woke up, I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to ruin the magic moment that I still felt, the tingling in my body. Adam was breathing quicker, signaling that he was awake already. I listened to his heart beating through his chest, his ribs expanding and contracting, perfectly still otherwise.

I finally opened my eyes, the thrill of wanting to see his eyes first thing upon waking, since I'd almost deprived myself of it before.

But his happy blue eyes weren't what I saw. His eyes were a stormy gray-something that only happened when he was angry. His jaw, sporting some rough stubble now, was clenched, a muscle showing when he ground his teeth. He was glaring so hard at the ceiling it was like he was trying to burn a hole through it.

Oh God. Last night hadn't been- I mean- damn. He hadn't liked it. He was disappointed.

I had totally let him down. Ugh, this was why I should always leave in the mornings.

My stomach growled loudly and broke the silence. I sat up, not even looking at Adam, and wrapped the untucked sheet around my suddenly frigid body and moved to stand.

"Where are you going?" Came Adam's soft question.

I couldn't look him the eye. I shrugged. "I don't know if you want me here."

His uninjured arm found its way around my waist and tugged me slightly back. I bit my tongue and couldn't keep back my wince.

"Oh, jeez, I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to hurt you."

His cool lips met my shoulder blade, then my spine, across to the other shoulder, and then trailed down to my lower back.

"Y-you still want me? After all that?" I breathed, my head dropping back.

"After what? If anything I want you more than ever. Remember; round two?"

I blushed. "Actually wouldn't it be more like round 5 or 6?"

Adam moaned into my skin and he too sat up to pull me so that his legs fell on either side of me. "How ever many times you want, angel."

He continued to roam his way over me, as if last night truly hadn't been enough. He kissed every inch of me, then turned me around so that I was in his lap. He inspected my features.

"I swear, you get more gorgeous every single day. And right now, with that sexy little blush that you can't hide? Oh, God. You're just perfect. And last night was amazing. And being here, in your afterglow...makes it even more magical."

He smiled and kissed my neck with a low, husky groan escaping from his throat. "I never want to have anyone else. I can't live without your touch, without hearing those adorable little noises you make. And your eyes," He groaned again and held me tighter. "So full of lust and desire. You're not the innocent girl I met all those years ago now, are you? I've made sure of it."

I was totally down for round 2, but I couldn't get enough of his words; they were heating me up in a whole new way.

"And you like having control over your man, don't you? Getting me to do whatever you want like the slave I am to you. I never want to be free, never want to live without you telling me what to do, how to do it...and we're in such perfect harmony, baby. Every move, every breath, even when we....ha," He trailed off when I whimpered and brought our mouths together.

"Again, Adam," I whisper, touching my tongue to his. "One more time?"

The edge of his mouth turned up in a little smirk. "As many times as you want."

(Alright, here ya are! Sorry if it's kinda short... it's almost 2AM where I am, and in addition to having just spent the last three or four hours outside working on some projects, I just spent two hours writing this so...the things I do for you! xD haha jk. I REALLLYY want to go to sleep!

 I would like to mention that as of right now, we are 10 chapters away from my official announcement on where this story will be going. So make sure you stick around till then!

THANK YOU for over 6.6 reads! WHAT!

As always, I will see you in the next chapter!


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